A RESOLUTION FOR RESOLUTIONI had a bad day. Decided to vent to you guys. My favorite people! Thank you for the continued support! Do me a favor and HIT THAT LIKE BUTTON! Like this, fav…


  1. jenn22socal says:

    Love you shitty days are not fun…glad you like makin videos cuz I so love watching them 😉 ur so fun always have me laughing and I catch myself smiling thru the whole video xoxo Jenn

  2. MrBULLYFOOT says:

    Explanation on the 2nd channel

  3. TheeBeastradamus says:


  4. santosr477 says:

    How much are u getting pay for making YouTube videos?

  5. TheNoneHere says:

    xp? …….bitch its time to go to war guero.


  6. MrBULLYFOOT says:

    Explanation on where my videos went will be up soon putas and putos. I luh you!

  7. Xochitl Gonzalez says:

    u …only have one video,,,, was that on purpose? man what happened to ur other ones?

  8. MrBULLYFOOT says:


  9. AlSoKrazy says:

    Good shit on the partnership bruh

  10. danny H says:

    yeeaahh im a puto .__. lol at least thats what he said XD this foo funny af though i dont trip..keep it up man!

  11. MrBULLYFOOT says:

    Thanks homeboy!

  12. MELOE1CHUBZ says:

    Wat happened to all your old videos bro?

  13. RZST101 says:

    Xp!!!!!fuk my dude ur stuck in the fukin past!! ima slap u back to the the future!!!

  14. nomodz4real says:

    glad you still doin youtube man i love yo shit too much!!!

  15. MrBULLYFOOT says:

    Haha! Thanks vato!

  16. MrBULLYFOOT says:

    Oh yes….I shall! :)

  17. MrBULLYFOOT says:

    Luh you too chica 🙂 Always a pleasure to see your comments. I love how I’m building these friendships on youtube. i keep it real so my peoples can share life with me instead of watching some scripted puto who dont give a fuck. Thank you for always supporting me Jenn!

  18. guardian89sankun says:

    aww i’m having a bad day. . . fuck it give me weed xD love it

  19. JessSoSincere1 says:

    Sometimes good things come from bad days 🙂

  20. FateWii says:

    You good now bro?

  21. MrBULLYFOOT says:

    LMAO! I’m fred flinstone in this bitch!

  22. Viry Sandoval says:

    I luh you 2 Guero 🙂

  23. julio valadez says:

    Orale carnal ill blazing for you homie porque I luh your videos I’m I can watch you smoke with out me doing it to carnal plz do a shout out guero

  24. MrBULLYFOOT says:

    🙂 Gracias amiga! Mucho amor por vida!

  25. AmericanAlucard says:

    Enjoy the new resolutions

  26. MrBULLYFOOT says:

    Haha! orale vato! you got it homez.

  27. MrBULLYFOOT says:

    Not sure yet. not much. It doesnt really pay too much unless your getting 30k or more views.

  28. MrBULLYFOOT says:

    all bueno homie

  29. MrBULLYFOOT says:

    Thanks bro!

  30. MrBULLYFOOT says:

    No doubt!!!

  31. TheeBeastradamus says:

    LMFAO I can’t wait to smoke with you one day man. I have a feeling we will be laughing for hours.

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