Wtf pt 2

Smokealotjohnny Garden Update
July 25, 2013
Chatroulette Music Improv Rant
July 25, 2013

Wtf pt 2


  1. TheeBudGuru says:

    Man that still looks like a pH problem! I’m assuming that you don’t have bugs. From my experience this looks like one of 2 things, root aphids or your pH tanked! I have also found that overfeeding can cause your pH to tank therefore creating an acidic environment that fries your roots!

  2. Crispy Critter says:

    that sucks my friend was hoping to see her come back today.dont get discouraged though

  3. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    yeah man thanks…ill get back there keep watching.

  4. buckeye420growth says:


  5. 5mokedag1 says:


  6. KushDaddys says:

    This hapoend to me when my ph was way to low like around 4.0 . I suggest taking your fan from blowing directly on them to oscilating and flushing for about 2 days with plain ph water and they should come back But HURRY UP BEFORE ITS TO LATE 🙁 !! Just a suggestion but it worked for me. Good luck

  7. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    that’s what im talking about…..hows things over your way…I know im sick to death of this rain

  8. macbookgenius007 says:

    I already know you lose some and win some,however; dont give up on dwc its the fastest way of growing. Dwc to me is the easiest in my opinion you just have to K.I.S.S and you’ll get the best out of it. Keep up the good work!!!! 🙂

  9. Kushieguy420 says:


  10. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    oh man it does…..back to the basics

  11. meghan00851 says:

    Man… tell me about it. I’ve had about all the rain I can take. I swear its raind at some pt thru the day every frign day for past 3 wks now. Sooo over it.

  12. jimmiezigzag says:

    Still Green may be it can be saved. good luck

  13. mediBUD707 says:

    Damn i always hit the done button accidentally. If u didn’t fill her everyday she might have drank res and feted o

  14. mediBUD707 says:

    Did she ever go a day without water? When they’re that big they drink 3-4gallons a day(the whole5gallp bucket fill

  15. meghan00851 says:

    damn man what a fuckn shame, i am soooo sorry fam… i feel ur pain, all the way to the core. its aite tho. its like i told my roomie u knockd me down but ill bounce bk. a minor set bk for a major come bk. 🙂

  16. BolagnaSheetsMD . says:

    Ya thats it lol that was your problem DWC is all about perfect PH and Parts Per Million I am like 99% sure thats why your girl died

  17. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    I changed that bitch more than a woman changes her mind there was no help after the heavy dose of sm90

  18. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    thanks buddy…you know ill get back there….I just got to figure out a way to get more room…I wish shit was different where I could have a bunch of plants….I will have more than one this go round though… pheno finding summer now…least I will have a few different strains to use!!!!

  19. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    my meters will be here tomorrow im just waiting to get a little more room now…I want to go bigger!!! watch and see the next one

  20. 420mFuk says:

    I´d change out that res asap, leave it any longer and shes a gonna for sure.

  21. DerpDerpity420 says:

    That is so sad man. You know what, F it and hit it out the park next time. Peace!

  22. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    yeppers…like a 59 Cadillac…

  23. gizmo momo says:

    that hurts…

  24. BolagnaSheetsMD . says:

    Looks like she is hella thirsty something terrible is going on, I would chuck her and learn from your experience.You use ppm & ph meeter? Shit happens

  25. Zacnix Nixon says:

    So much for this crop hey at least ya cracked some beans on the fourth but just saying .
    FUCK DWC & HYDRO!!!!! The greatness of a grower is made by trials such as these.

  26. macbookgenius007 says:

    OMG…….. WTF is going?

  27. MrNewmanRay says:

    Damn, I feel for ya bro… That sucks

  28. floydit2009 says:

    gutted for you..

  29. Permanently High says:

    Hey bro now she looks even worse,can you still get a cutting of her,in a few days there may be not much left,makes me feel bad for you,may have to start over,redline,peace.

  30. sheewolf71 says:

    O my gods…did you try the voodoo? I feel sick

  31. CustomGrow420 says:

    Damn bro. …

  32. xx420Alchemistxx says:

    oh wow. that happened very quickly. my stomach dropped bro. very sad day but also maybe and hopefully a learning lesson. you did an amazing job, so dont be down to hard on yourself. the plant got unhappy very quickly it looks like and thats why some dont use the dwc. not saying your not going to be doing great on future runs. just know your not alone and it happens. very sorry sir.

  33. brianj123458 says:

    Try something we talked about yesterday think it is late but atleast worth try peace. Redline

  34. TheeBudGuru says:

    Root aphids can destroy a crop in a matter of hours!

  35. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    she had just started to make some beautiful buds…do you think they would have any umph??? I did hang the bitch upside down just in case….I just waiting to find out…

  36. brianj123458 says:

    Hydro has no mercy but the point you are at nothing will so I would say half bottle h202 in your Rez no nutes nothing just h202 and water plant not baby no more cutting root nothing just h202 and water now you’ve tried what others said did not work try my ideal might not work not but is still a chance it will peace. Redline

  37. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    thank you sir for your help with her,….keep watching and ill show you bigger and better next time!!!

  38. Kennabyss says:

    Damn brother man my heart feels heavy for your loss.

  39. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    im gonna do the same scrog on some in dirt….might take more than one plant but Ill get it…

  40. CaliCouchPotato says:

    If I were you I would dry her out and make some hash, at least get something out of all that hard work

  41. Sebastian Lindström says:

    holy shit, my heart goes out to u brother, what hapend ?

  42. Jay C says:

    Dude wtf did u do ? Time to pull her plug how many air stones are in the bucket did u get RO water? Was the ph balanced without ph being in optimum range you can’t take in certain nutrients and stuff

  43. TheeBudGuru says:

    Sorry dude. It looks like it’s completely done for! Did you check for root aphids?

  44. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    root slime got the best of her….stay tuned we got bigger and better coming up…

  45. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    root slime and sm90….

  46. shane gillespie says:

    There gone bro:'(
