when growing marijuana do males smell skunky about a month into growth?

NH: Colorful Nashua local commandeers “Marijuana Megaphone”
September 28, 2010
700 lb Marijuana bust
September 29, 2010
Marijuana Growing
the joker asked:

ive got a plant goin right now and its about a month old gibe or take but every time i branches out it only has 3 leafs and it to early to tell if its a male or female but if it smells skunky does that mean its a female??????


  1. planman1994 says:

    do u know its illegal to grow drugs?!? i’m not going to help u to commit crimes.

  2. Rod says:

    You cant tell from smells, you are just going
    to have to watch for the forming of the male flowers.
    The male seems to always come before the females.

  3. bill p says:

    Ask a cop. They seem to know that stuff.

  4. Future Soldier E-2 says:

    first of all, this isn’t exactly where you wanna ask questions about growing pot….try here: forum.cannabis.com

    secondly: both male and female will emit the same pnugent odor. the only way to know the difference between the 2 (and its 2 earl now @ 1 months) is to look at flowers

  5. Violet says:

    No. The plant has to be in the budding cycle before it begs to smell. Too small at only a few weeks old.
