Week 3 No Shampoo & A Conversation with my Sister

March 16, 2014
Palm Tree Hydroponics Growing Supplies in Ontario CA 91764, Upland CA 91786
March 17, 2014

Week 3 No Shampoo & A Conversation with my Sisterall viewers must 18 and up for this video. adult setting, language and activities. Live BF4 with Nay on Cam!


  1. wtf isme says:

    try not showering for a week or two, youll notice alot of skin/hair health.
    along with a more clear mind, all the fluoride in the water soaks into your
    skin which goes to your brain… i shower once a week and no im not
    dirty/smelly your body adjusts because its natural

  2. trendyasdabbers says:

    just a pre live episode, discussing hair and siblings

  3. benchpressme says:

    if i don’t shampoo my hair it dose not stand good through the
    day…..shampoo+conditioner i got to bro

  4. trendyasdabbers says:

    yeah I cant do dreds

  5. tazydevil93 says:

    My beard is like the darkest hair is your beard really white that’s crazy
    charactoristics lol

  6. rob rogers says:

    I shower once a week maybe. The less you do it the less you need to.

  7. jason garcia says:

    Normally I just shower under hot water with out soap. Hot water kills the
    bacteria my skin is very healthy. I do use soap however when I am dirty and
    have have grime on my skin.

  8. Randall Thompson says:

    Yeah showering once a week works for me too. A lot of people think I’m
    crazy but I feel a lot healthier than showering every day or twice a day
    like I used to.

  9. Chris P says:

    Full bodied, silky and shiny. You should go to the Soap factory in Key
    West. You would really like the product. Wash you hair with weed oil. It
    stops dandruff. 

  10. coocoomachi says:

    looks afro sheened

  11. p0lish says:

    all the bald people are gonna b pissed
