Weed Grow Update-Sprouted

Bike… contains third party content
June 16, 2013
Autocultivo Parte #10 – Pistilos e breve atualização!
June 16, 2013

Weed Grow Update-Sproutedmy grow.


  1. Bearski420CANADA says:

    Np bro.
    Keep updates coming.

  2. Bearski420CANADA says:

    What up man.
    That’s actually efficient.
    I’m on my first grow ever but mines a clone bro.
    Check out my new vid if u can.

  3. bongsup420 says:

    thanks so much i realy appreciate it. this is my first ever grow also and i will definately check out ur vid and subscribe. keep smokin

  4. bongsup420 says:

    will do
