Volcano Vaporizer / Vapouriser – Amsterdam Product Review

How to roll a fatty king sized cone joint (dank chronic) || Kush Konnisseur
October 31, 2013
White Voodoo – La Plata Labs – Day 39
October 31, 2013

Volcano Vaporizer / Vapouriser - Amsterdam Product Review Thanks for watching! COMMENT and LIKE if you enjoyed the video and SUBSCRIBE to see my new videos as they are released. This video is…


  1. adsy69 says:

    Tried one in Easy Times last year it was excellent

  2. 223344jordan says:

    digital is better, its the best way to enjoy the erbs, gets u highest off barely anything, should get the easy valve setup so ur filling chamber isn’t a hassle

  3. Young Nigguh says:

    I’ve been considering getting a vape, but as a cig smoker I just can’t help but prefer a joint.

  4. umeandskating says:


  5. nafesim says:

    Bless you

  6. 223344jordan says:

    u can fill the bag up so u can’t even see through it, only takes a .5 n fills it up completely and will get 15 bags that u can’t see through

  7. Stikibits says:

    That thing is such a rip off. I’d be worth it at $100-$200, but there’s no way I’d be ripped off buying one of those extremely expensive gadgets.

  8. Stoner MTL says:

    personally i use the arizer extreme Q /w lcd screen it cost 180 instead of 450 does both whip and bag style vaporizer have it for two years and its amazing best weed investment i have ever done

  9. Mah lex says:

    uk yay

  10. low ryderz says:


  11. Armin Eshghi says:

    dat sneaze do!!!!
