In this part of our three-part series on Vancouver’s move to regulate dispensaries, CinC Founding Director Jason Wilcox speaks with Jamie Shaw of the BC Compassion Club Society and member…
Mr. +Jason Wilcox does exactly what The Lord created him to be and doing it
very well. Great to see you healthy Jason; you have come a very long way
from 5 years ago. #medical #edible the #education provided is
In this part of our three-part series on Vancouver’s move to regulate
dispensaries, CinC Founding Director Jason Wilcox speaks with Jamie Shaw of
the BC Compassion Club Society and member of the Canadian Association of
Medical Cannabis Dispensaries (CAMCD) Board of Directors.
Vancouver this week decided to ignore the bureaucracy and outdated policies
of the federal government and regulate medical cannabis dispensaries. While
the dispensaries are beyond the scope of Health Canada, who only governs
cultivation of medical cannabis, it may be assumed that the Harper
government is not pleased with lawmakers in the Lower Mainland.
Vancouver’s decision may well provide a template for other municipalities
across Canada whose constituents are frustrated by the federal government’s
continued prohibition. We’ll also speak to Don Briere and Dana Larsen about
how this will affect our medicine and our communities.
altho regs are cool and a great idea, these regs as proposed are a
elimination, take over, and extortion. The Lpee’s are coming.
Mr. +Jason Wilcox does exactly what The Lord created him to be and doing it
very well. Great to see you healthy Jason; you have come a very long way
from 5 years ago. #medical #edible the #education provided is
In this part of our three-part series on Vancouver’s move to regulate
dispensaries, CinC Founding Director Jason Wilcox speaks with Jamie Shaw of
the BC Compassion Club Society and member of the Canadian Association of
Medical Cannabis Dispensaries (CAMCD) Board of Directors.
Vancouver this week decided to ignore the bureaucracy and outdated policies
of the federal government and regulate medical cannabis dispensaries. While
the dispensaries are beyond the scope of Health Canada, who only governs
cultivation of medical cannabis, it may be assumed that the Harper
government is not pleased with lawmakers in the Lower Mainland.
Vancouver’s decision may well provide a template for other municipalities
across Canada whose constituents are frustrated by the federal government’s
continued prohibition. We’ll also speak to Don Briere and Dana Larsen about
how this will affect our medicine and our communities.
Stay tuned, and onward we grow!
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