UG 92 American Medi Grow part 1 Veg Room

Buddys 8000 Watt Garden (Strain Walkthrough)
January 9, 2014
Alaska closer to becoming 3rd state to legalize recreational marijuana TNT NEWS
January 9, 2014

UG 92 American Medi Grow part 1 Veg RoomWe go to Denver Colorado to check out an American Medi Grow with 60 different strains!


  1. Vincent Mutsaers says:

    i would love to be able to work in an enviroment like that one day 

  2. rustinpeace gootube says:

    I want some seeds from your strain.

  3. mattpenner420 says:

    Wow that is amazing. That is my dream. And its going to come true.

  4. youwouldjake says:

    very nice setup!

  5. wildbabyduck says:

    Love the little end ravemusic

  6. uksmoker1 says:

    holy shit thats the most incredible thing ive ever seen … a veg room ffff

  7. BlowItByDaOh says:

    How tha fuhk can he grow that much, is he 1 of the head growers in Co?? 

  8. dirtybongwater grows says:

    thanks for the vid stay safe and stay medicated

  9. Jimbo Slice says:

    cheers Remo. thanks for the perspective !

  10. Adrian Schütt says:

    Lucky Guy :(

  11. ♠دنـااديـش ♠ says:

    ياحظكم الحشيش عندكم عاادي ..!!

  12. John Doe says:

    boo @ “medical” weed, legalize it!

  13. Damien Nicholas says:

    thanks Remo!

  14. urbanremo says:

    Customize your message
