TheSocialGrow Presents money shot 369

Terence McKenna ~ History Of Marijuana
July 23, 2013
beach shots
July 23, 2013

TheSocialGrow Presents money shot 369wwwthesocialgrowcom GreenMoney 369 Dirtybongwater Green Clouds Krutchrx.


  1. meghan00851 says:

    Good Luck brother!!!

  2. mario juana says:


  3. Kennabyss says:

    12:01! Shit man i thought i was impatient ,lol. good drop my man i look forward to growing with ya. peace. 

  4. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    thats cool as hell dude…

  5. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    thanks for stopping by

  6. Cas-tle Grown says:

    Gotta ask, as I’ve seen many people do this, but why do you personally put all your eggs in one basket so to speak? I’m looking forward to comparing DBW genetics with ya, good luck bro.

  7. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    cant wait for em to pop

  8. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    thank you mr bongwater

  9. dirtybongwater4678 says:

    hope they do real good for you thanks for the vid

  10. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    this is the 2nd one im involved with. they have grows all the time. i love it. where else can you just sign up and recieve custom genetics for the price of a mailer!!! and you always get a couple of goodies too.,..

  11. Green Clouds says:

    NICE! Got your vid featured on the Green Money page Johnny!

  12. caligrowing420 says:

    Cali be watching

  13. akasmokesalot johnny says:


  14. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    thanks cali

  15. cowkillyums says:

    I became a member to late to get in on this grow hopefully I can get in on the next one. Good luck on the grow.

  16. Kennabyss says:

    Stick around your bound to be in it. The social grow is an awesome thing. peace.

  17. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    what are you talking about? putting them in one glass of water? ive got 4 separate pots.

  18. Mystjah says:

    awesome can’t wait to see how it goes sending positive vibes

  19. Cas-tle Grown says:

    I just mean the germination method itself.
