Menino dá um fora no Faustão! Videos engraçados! Pegadinhas! Cacetadas! Sustos! Tombos!
February 26, 2014
First Cannabis of the Year Grown
February 26, 2014

The FLOWER INITIATOR Grow Finale - 6 NIGHTS of HARVESTGrowing With Mr.Tight T-Shirts AVAILABLE NOW! 9 colors to choose from! WHITE SHIRT (sizes S-5XL) –


  1. BadBrainPrepp says:

    I feel ya ,trimming is hard on an old man. Do you have any curing vids? All
    looks great.

  2. tazydevil93 says:

    Great video bro are you using 1000 watters or 600s?

  3. GrowLightSource says:

    Been using Epson Salts, Magnesium Sulfate, for over 20 years, great stuff ,
    good for stem strength and flowers sites, also makes them very blue-green.
    Extra sticky stems, can’t be all bad! Perhaps you should use those sticky
    stems in the bubble hash process. They look very mature and frosty. Thanks
    for the test. Hope you take advantage of a 13 hour flower sometime. After
    it all dries and cures, I will be curious to hear your final comments.

  4. detroitluv82 says:

    some kinda way I liked east coast chameleon better, but Mr. Tight sounds
    cool too.

  5. Don Pattenaude says:

    Buffalo??? Go Denver!!

  6. gboyarnie says:

    does anyone like trimming

  7. joegrows420 says:

    Been watching since the east coast chameleon days & never get bored,,, you
    keep growing, I’ll keep watching =)

  8. Vicious Budz says:

    Man Mr.Tight you are now on my top 5 favorite channels to watch. This is
    one of the best harvest vids I’ve seen. You have just reinspired me to
    perfect my craft and to get back to the basics. Your plants are awesome. I
    have renewed vigor to reach my goal. A man needs dreams because without
    them all he has is nightmares. The three bigger plants I have finishing now
    were revegged but I left some popcorn nugs on them becasue I was timid
    about taking all the nugs off to reveg. But now knowing it is possible to
    take everything off and to leave fan leaves on I might have to try this
    out. With all that harvesting you’ve earned a well deserved smoke break you
    did your thing and my hats off to you my friend.

  9. Mat Spyres says:

    One of your best man…took a break on the late night tending checked
    YouTube and saw this…our session turned into a mini movie night. .thanks
    for inspiration and good porn. 

  10. spoondip1 says:


  11. 2cupps says:

    Do u dry ur trim before u make hash, or run it fresh?

  12. BadBrainPrepp says:

    I smoked weed with the President/CEO of Norml on a Greyhound bus. His suit,
    shoes, brief case ,the paper in it…All was made from Hemp…We both had
    killer weed and shared …Sooo cool.

  13. reallybigd says:

    So, flower initiator isn’t worth it. $200 and I can’t really tell the
    difference. Thanks for the video series Mr. Tight; whoever smokes your
    weed should feel honored lol

  14. jon obrien says:

    paint some liquid rubber on the bottom and let it dry of the tent that is

  15. daddysboy520 says:

    +Growing With Mr.Tight how long did you keep your plants in flowering

  16. davids2kk says:

    dude watch hygrohybrid his shit is crazy

  17. stableboy420 says:

    I toked with an actual King before.

  18. redeyejediful says:

    not sure your final numbers but I wasn’t sold on the initiator. Your buds
    look great and just as good without it. Thanks for testing this product for
    us serious growers.

  19. Felix Sheldon says:

    I loved it when you said you prayed for one of your plants. Also thanks for
    the desired info on Epsom’s salt. I’m surprised it’s 2Tbs, not 2tsp per
    gal. I smoke w/Jesus everyday, peace.

  20. jon obrien says:

    dont go sony , i got a canon d20 atm , can go underwater with it , u
    should get a go pro

  21. The Happy Camper says:

    Great harvest…..

  22. BIGMACK WSD says:

    Everything looking Bomb.

  23. Jeff Metalice says:


  24. The Happy Camper says:

    Great harvest…..

  25. Ron Biggs says:

    Nice looking buds bro. Any chance you can name the strains when your
    looking at them in the tent as it’s hard to know what strains are what. 

  26. mrfreeman1229 says:

    This 45 min video rules!! I’m going to look for you here in Colorado at the
    cannabis cup tight! Hopefully see us there!

  27. shizer shiz says:

    were did you get the seeds from in this grow

  28. mike p says:

    don’t you think multiple lolli pops will add stress, or no? explain please

  29. jon obrien says:

    our body cant make magnesium ,. and needs it .i give 400ppm of
    epsom once a month ,stays greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen 

  30. evilvirginwings says:

    nice ;)

  31. tyler238 says:

    Hey man awesome grow dude..I was wondering how many patients you grow for?
    What state are you in? Subscribed!

  32. patrick Brown says:

    Dude you are the best when it comes to horticulture, been thinking about
    starting something myself just don’t know where to start. Any suggestions
    on where to start? And I’ll be getting a tee shirt real soon.

  33. kittencall22 says:

    I used to smoke blunts With an actual Rastafarian. The guy was Awesome.!

  34. BIGMACK WSD says:

    The new harvest most deff looks way frostyer, they both look bomb to me,
    good video man.

  35. Travis B. Masterson says:

    Great harvest T.

  36. Vicious Budz says:

    Now this is how you harvest

  37. mustang18530 says:

    Love what your doing, very informative. You should invest in a table lamp
    (like Jeweler’s have) to really show off your buds.

  38. patrick Brown says:

    Also want to say is Fuckin sweet dude

  39. axeclanable says:

    Where’s Sophie?

  40. Weedster says:

    AWESOME vid. Some amazing shots there bro. keep em rolling :D

  41. John Beem says:

    Smoked with Kid Rock back when he was still “yodeling in the valley”

    Try Spray/Roll-on Truck Bed Liner for the floor.

  42. mike mifflin says:

    Great job again. The sugarier glistening of those budz is insane. Cant wait
    to get more space to grow myself, my 2x3x5 box just aint enough footage for
    what i want to do, someday. As for getting high with some body famous or
    well know – got high with some key city officials in my home town here and
    a few cops as well. As for your epsom salt, I use 2 tsp. per gallon every
    feeding and molasses when watering. Done some reading on foliar feeding
    with powdered non-fat milk for calcium. They say its not good for the soil
    but works well as a foliar feed for a calcium boost.

  43. FjukTheFed says:

    The world would be a much better place with more people like you, Sir. Much

  44. Green Fingers says:

    Looking good&frosty

  45. Vlad Bad says:

    whats seedbank are the og kush?
    and what kind of high it gives you?

  46. redeyejediful says:

    You talked me into starting my first reveg project. I actually found a
    pheno in bud I had thought I lost. So trimmed her up and put her back to
    work lol. And ya I’ve used epsom a few times seems to help. I’ve noticed
    sometimes big plants in small pots do perform great. I believe because they
    get more drying, watering,feeding. The wick effect. Keeps em.moving.
    haven’t smoked with anyone famous yet. But I did get to hold the cannabis
    cup 🙂 nice dying box. I was going to ask where you got it lol. Think it
    might dry a little fast too though. Good show I like your style mr. It’s

  47. jo black says:

    Just in case you want to get much bigger buds using caana !!
    That cheep stuff don’t work that good
    Little baby plants are nice
    You get a lb per plant 

  48. MrLog Pole says:

    thanks for the Video lots of great tips.never did a reveg so i just might
    have to try the to get one for my garden too..i will
    enjoy the harvest..Peace 

  49. MrEzzzkiel says:

    Thanks for all you do! I just ordered two of your t-shirts, because I grow
    with Mr. Tight!

  50. DerpDerpity420 says:

    Been watching you for the whole year that we’ve been growing. We now also
    have BIG hanging frosty buds in no small part to watching your videos.
    Thank you for all the effort in helping folks like us learn from your
    knowledge. Really appreciated is all. Peace
