THE DABOROTORY! new channel to sub! link below.

Growing Outdoors In Oregon Week 7! Update 4
July 8, 2013
25. C-Money and Miles Doughty speak about healing indicators
July 8, 2013

THE DABOROTORY! new channel to sub! link below. *—–subscribe to this channel! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE ABOVE THANKS! NEW LINKS BELOW! Thank you for being a subscriber! You guys roc…


  1. 1nonlyg69 says:

    Im subbing up,sub back!!!!!!,

  2. ramp622 says:

    oh missing out on so much!

  3. bentheleet says:

    oh no im not subbed yet. i must be lazy and stupid. bahahaha.

  4. BCBudBarron says:

    Hey long time no see brother! Yo Nay looks like you’ve lost some weight, congrats my friend stay Dank.

  5. 1nonlyg69 says:

    sign up now

  6. 2ruthfox82 says:

    thanks for the link… I’m one of the slow ones homie

  7. Joe FoSho says:

    those of you thats are lazy an stupid… lol wow

  8. ebond0071 says:

    I love watching your vids, but these muther fuckers (trolls) drive ME nuts…lol

  9. trendyassnay says:

    yes i know its a lot of channels… it’s worth it

  10. trendyassnay says:

    lol wow? u sound hurt. 🙂

  11. 1nonlyg69 says:

    u got so many channels,i guess im already subbed,,cause it says sub 2 this channel? Anyway dude stay up,stay good,,get weed legal 4 me,,GONDALEE69

  12. FlAmEbLaDeClOuD says:

    stickam isn’t around any more 🙁

  13. Ricardo Romero says:

    Itss so hard to keep up with all ur channels! Its not your fault its mine ive been so busy with my son. I hope all is well with u please keep in touch u have my facebook account
