SUNSET STUDIOS with Nay writing some tunes!

Spannabis 2014 The Kitchen – Cannabis Book
March 29, 2014
Coalition post victory video (sorry was partying and late uploading)
March 29, 2014

SUNSET STUDIOS with Nay writing some tunes! must put “www” or it wont work! ***NEW TRENDYASDABBERS UPLOAD! *** Please visit and make sure to “LIKE” www…


  1. Zac Vernon says:

    hi trendy, its erod

  2. HappyHighTime says:

    yeah the Lives still going man.. =D

  3. Zac Vernon says:

    sparkin some flower to this

  4. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    youre on

  5. dol ch says:

    play them funky jams

  6. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    Not much, just hanging out my friend

  7. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    I’d love to be there playing with tunes. I have so many crazy funny songs
    to throw down.

  8. HappyHighTime says:

    Yo @Iron

  9. Chiron Boomsma says:


  10. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    Morning guys

  11. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    its under newsfeeds on the left of page

  12. Zonal Bowl says:

    Thumbs up!

  13. ziggieization says:

    cheers to all

  14. socalhippie hashman says:

    yo..whats up nay..

  15. HappyHighTime says:

    hell yeah brother sounds awesome!! Alright man it’s 3:05 am here i’ll catch
    you tomorrow Take care! Peace Trendys! =]

  16. Zonal Bowl says:

    What’s good Nay, trendies? Cheers. I’m anxious to know what my number as a
    fan is.

  17. Zac Vernon says:

    dj trendy

  18. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    what up HHT

  19. HappyHighTime says:

    there we go brother! :=]

  20. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    just a tip

  21. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    COWBELL lol

  22. HappyHighTime says:

    What’s on the Menu for Breakfast today bro?

  23. HappyHighTime says:

    hell yeah bro, Sounds goood! =]

  24. IronLungs Mcgee says:


  25. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    <--------computer retarded.......

  26. TADabbers says:

    lol tony

  27. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    whats up bowl

  28. dol ch says:


  29. Trendy Sean says:


  30. Daniel Breadbaskets says:

    hello trendies

  31. dol ch says:

    got my bling on lol

  32. TADabbers says:


  33. inmydreams1116 says:

    Who the fuck has time to watch a full video

  34. socalhippie hashman says:

    whats going on everyone?

  35. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    Sounds like pump up the volume. lol

  36. socalhippie hashman says:

    whats up trendys..tgc/stankboyseds in da house!!

  37. ocean spray hydro says:

    good morning nay !and good morning trendys!

  38. HappyHighTime says:

    hell yeah brother! Still rockin the Studio! Nice! DEM BEATS SOUNDING MEAN
    BRO! =]

  39. Domeless Tefty says:

    Yo yo G’mornin.. Cheers

  40. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    Whats up Nay,Twoseven and the rest of the Trendy Nation

  41. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    congrats dol ch

  42. HappyHighTime says:

    Yo @Iron What’s good mann!?

  43. dol ch says:

    ty ty

  44. HappyHighTime says:

    Yeah man i had to Figure it out myself lol, Took me some time haha

  45. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    at the top of your FB page you will see “SORT” in that drop box you will
    find recent post or top stories I use recent post so i dont see bullshit FB
    decides I should see…

  46. tonymengela says:

    you whats up!!! I was in chat and neglected this lol

  47. yuri michigan says:

    ya i hear ya

  48. Chiron Boomsma says:

    lol here its 5:10 PM

  49. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    whats up Breadbaskets

  50. socalhippie hashman says:

    shared the live…
