stormy thursday dwc update

the social grow ms. parker update
June 20, 2013
CBS Reporters Take On Axelrod’s Charge That Romney ‘Lied’ During Debat [10-07-2012]
June 20, 2013

stormy thursday dwc updatehigh winds tore up our trees and trees all over town….gordita is doing great!!!!


  1. meghan00851 says:

    yeah brah that storm was wicked crazy. blew up outta nowhere with the quickness. we lost power for a few hrs so now my lighting schedule is off. Grrrr :-\ jus gonna do a 24 hr on and get bk to normal 18\6 2mrw. we had trees down all over town and limbs n debris everywhere. ive never seen shit that rough. glad all is well ur way. keep it green fam!

  2. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    happy to say the bucket is fixed with no leaks!!!!

  3. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    it takes two people…

  4. Permanently High says:

    Wow I have heard things are getting worse weather wise all over,mmh,hope you and yours are save,redline,peace

  5. KushDaddys says:

    how do u change the res with the scrog screen attatched?
