I’m back in Oakland right now and i guarantee i’m gonna bring me back some
killer bread to makes sandwiches with in n.mexico …there’s not one god
dam loaf of edible bread in the whole state
ahh..yea trying to hook it up so i dont get this shit outa control after
the gravine …it’s not for me ..it’s for the baby clones going back to
n.mexico..omg .a quarter pound of it …haha
is it more illegal to transport flowering plants you think..?..hehe
im doing great
sank that shit
never hooked it up but had a few
hell i’d love to blow up on top that loney ass hill in the sandia mountains
Hey nay
WTF ..why would anybody say pulled pork when i’m this hungry ..?..hahaha
I’m back in Oakland right now and i guarantee i’m gonna bring me back some
killer bread to makes sandwiches with in n.mexico …there’s not one god
dam loaf of edible bread in the whole state
no wonder my friend said …you put too god dam much of that shit in it
shoulda saved them for 420! lol
I held a little 4/20 party last year and these n.mexican rookies ..i about
killed em with the cali dank…lightweights …haha
just gonna be dabbin all day
no way trendy plays battlefield
hey mcdabdab
hey fry 🙂 hows it going
god dam paralyzed from 4:45 till 3:00 am i was fucked off …i dont think i
used the correct reciepe
f’n Quarter Pounder….
it felt right at the time ..lol
Pulled Pork bitches!! yummmm
Because I’m starving too but i’m on a stupid diet.. ugh
sorry i heard nay say he was off to get bread for meatball sandwiches ..lol
I want a digital camo AR….?..lol
just reading his desktop icons, ‘300 hours of trendyness’ lol
holy shit that’s a potent batch
most importantly will this save me time doing stupid manicuring on
but i seem to understand it takes a case of butane to do a pound of weed
..?..is that correct..?
im getting a few grams of wax for tomorro
does it matter what brand of butane i even use..?..lol
ok..i should buy 2 to da at once too im thinking
haha yeah i tend to stay away from edibles, they turn me into a zombie
does it matter if i use a plastic or glass tube i dont even know which to
If i had know how before my last harvest i would of tried to make some wax
or shatter or something …lol
ahh..yea trying to hook it up so i dont get this shit outa control after
the gravine …it’s not for me ..it’s for the baby clones going back to
n.mexico..omg .a quarter pound of it …haha
@Squrrell, Bahahahahaha
a quater pound of pulled pork i’m just gonna need a few minutes alone
together ..lol
off the wall question for all 11 other trendies in here ..anybody here ever
hook up a electronic brake controller for a trailer….?..lol
excellent now that i recoved from yesterdays overbutter brownies i insisted
on making ….haha..thanks for asking how about yourself .?
what did nay say that shit weighed ..8 pounds worth of ground meat he
rolled up into meat balls.???.hahaha..
cloudy with a chance of sweet and sour meatballs
anti imsomnia brownies
fucking love this guy more and more each day
made me hungry… shit
I mean who knew 12 sticks of butter and 3 ounces of purple kush weren’t
supposed to be added to a couple boxes of fudge mix..lol
how’s them meatballs looking …?..lol
You guys should do a Pig roast While he’s here!