Just had 25 four footers in five gallon pots I had to transplant or they
were going to.shit at four weeks into flower and went smooth as hell.not
even a hiccup they did not miss a beat
+Grow420Guide its not a good idea to introduce a 240watt g8 LED by dorm
grow to 4 plants for flowering is it? there currently vegging under 8
26watt cfls and a 125 thats sappost to be 250 but the lights fucked and was
sold to me like that :/. i have a 150 watt that i plan on adding during
flowering. but what about the led? just wait until my next grow?
u must be rich
What up OG!
Damn, I wish I could toke on that yoda! Nice update
Just had 25 four footers in five gallon pots I had to transplant or they
were going to.shit at four weeks into flower and went smooth as hell.not
even a hiccup they did not miss a beat
Nice grow I got to update my lighting asap
Amazing Og! Think I’m in love with season 4 lol
Whaddup homie!!! Looks good.
+Grow420Guide its not a good idea to introduce a 240watt g8 LED by dorm
grow to 4 plants for flowering is it? there currently vegging under 8
26watt cfls and a 125 thats sappost to be 250 but the lights fucked and was
sold to me like that :/. i have a 150 watt that i plan on adding during
flowering. but what about the led? just wait until my next grow?
Whaddup homie!!! Looks good.
very nice