rant on police brutality and change

California Lightworks 800W Solarstorm – ExoticGenetix (Afterlife OG) / DNA Genetics (Tangie) Day 9
October 29, 2013
Champs Show Vortex Blunts
October 29, 2013

rant on police brutality and change for live chat with nay all day! Thank you for being a subscriber! You guys rock! Please keep the friend requests coming to face boo…


  1. Max Break says:

    i agree with the addiction thing Nay, self help is good but having good friends is all you need in life, and without friends that have your back you’ve got a smaller chance of being able to help yourself as you will be more insular and more likely too misguide yourself.

  2. Scott Foster says:

    Thinking on what your saying weed is a magical thing change my life completely I don’t drink and I smoke to prove that it’s harmless, got a good thing in life at the mo, thank you.

  3. n3nshat11 says:

    great video Nay!

  4. Scott Foster says:

    100% true

  5. acerlabtop says:

    Nay you need to remember to turn the volume back up for vids. Every vid and stream starts out sooo quiet.

  6. JONEtv says:

    don’t people walk around with guns in Texas that is not cool if he just had a knife

  7. Scott Foster says:

