Question Answered: “Nay, how do I get to meet you in person?”

Florida Outdoor Medical Cannabis Preperation | April 14th 2014
May 1, 2014
Hydro Bubbleponics Weed Grow – Week 3
May 1, 2014

Question Answered: all viewers must 18 and up for this video. adult setting, language and activities. Live BF4 with Nay on Cam!


  1. teeznutz0 says:

    I add another portion to my garden every year

  2. Sasha G says:

    I am putting it on Urban Dictionary and putting you saying it as the
    example for how to use it

  3. MrSirwaddles says:

    @doom aint that the sad truth

  4. Doomchaser1 says:

    Nice i been doing that…some of my mounds get too much sun looks like..

  5. teeznutz0 says:

    time to play SpiderMan on PS4 have good day trendy’s

  6. MrSirwaddles says:

    you re invented the word trendy thats for sure

  7. teeznutz0 says:

    no, but my neighbour has 2 and they butt my ass everytime i go there

  8. MrSirwaddles says:


  9. Weston Martin says:

    there should be a public service anouncment about selfie-awarness

  10. Doomchaser1 says:

    Wyf I hear everything 3 times lol

  11. teeznutz0 says:

    ys there is

  12. teeznutz0 says:

    lol i checked my fb thin king somone messaged me

  13. Doomchaser1 says:

    What lies we waste water on front lawns?

  14. Sasha G says:

    You should put it on UrbanDictionary before someone else does

  15. Doomchaser1 says:

    I left chat because people can’t handle the truth

  16. Doomchaser1 says:

    Sirwaddles gets it i think…yes it is very sad

  17. SourBogBubble says:

    ^grow food

  18. MrSirwaddles says:


  19. Doomchaser1 says:

    Why would the ISGS fowngrade by a couple .1-3 digits every eq?, you mau
    ask…Well if it was in the program to do that..1thousand .1-.2’s would
    never need to be reported.

  20. Doomchaser1 says:

    Wtf is a front lawn for anyways? most people ask you stay off of it lol

  21. teeznutz0 says:

    we put water on grass when people are dehydrating in other countries, its
    the way the world works, but it can change

  22. Sasha G says:

    No problem, I figured after I said it that you are busy right now.

  23. Sasha G says:

    So thought I would put it out there

  24. Noobsubs says:

    give that to the kid who got kicked in the head

  25. TheDeathknightrpally says:

    very nice

  26. Doomchaser1 says:

    Rock on

  27. Doomchaser1 says:

    They keep the horses calm

  28. Noobsubs says:

    he needs an ice pack

  29. Doomchaser1 says:

    Every day expect it too calm down…But seems to get worse lol

  30. MostDopeClick says:

    Whats up trendys!

  31. micheal schloss says:

    Hell Yea from Kentucky, Dude you make this 58yr old man suffering from
    chronic pain SMILE every day Thanks so much

  32. SourBogBubble says:

    Sup All

  33. Doomchaser1 says:

    95 is too hot for my melon starts

  34. teeznutz0 says:

    I do have a lawn but its slowly becoming more garden than grass

  35. teeznutz0 says:

    it was introduced to north america for cattle grazing, we dont need and it
    is foreign to my land.

  36. teeznutz0 says:

    i dont own a cow

  37. Doomchaser1 says:

    Only thing it is good for is my mulch pile..But this year I let it die
    because we in a drout

  38. teeznutz0 says:


  39. trendyasdabbers says:

    So ya wanna meet me IRL?

  40. teeznutz0 says:

    Hell yeah Nay, keep em coming

  41. teeznutz0 says:

    I cant handle the lies

  42. MrSirwaddles says:

    lol seriously lets have this thing we cut and water but never use for

  43. SourBogBubble says:

    Sounded great Nay more!!!

  44. MrSirwaddles says:


  45. Noobsubs says:

    that was good!

  46. teeznutz0 says:

    are you referring to Jared Michael?

  47. Doomchaser1 says:

    there is a delay from this live and that chat live…

  48. Doomchaser1 says:

    Dangit…just looked at bore hole mountian..Maybe we hear something soon on
    news about it

  49. Doomchaser1 says:

    you own a goat teez?

  50. Doomchaser1 says:

