In this passionate interview Cannabis in Canada interviews Justin Loizos a medical user of cannabis to treat his MS. Justin shares some powerful insight into his ailment as with his strong…
This is a must see interview that captures the essence of medicinal
cannabis patients and the struggles we face on a day to day basis. Justin
also sets a great example of how to overcome the barriers of a “disability”
while advancing his “knowledge base” on treating himself with cannabiionide
treatments .
Awesome interview, I really enjoy these posts.
This is a must see interview that captures the essence of medicinal
cannabis patients and the struggles we face on a day to day basis. Justin
also sets a great example of how to overcome the barriers of a “disability”
while advancing his “knowledge base” on treating himself with cannabiionide
treatments .
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Great story from a medical cannabis MS patient.
If you know anyone with MS please share this video with them