NORML’s Keith Stroup Talks Amsterdam Coffeeshops, Dispensaries & Legalization – Smokers Guide TV

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– Smokers Guide TV meets up with Keith Stroup founder and Legal Counsel of The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws to talk about the coffeeshops in…


  1. Smokers Guide says:

    #SmokersGuide TV meets up with @keithstroup founder of @NORML to talk about
    #Amsterdam #Coffeeshops, #MMJ #Dispensaries & #Legalization

    NORML’s Keith Stroup Talks Amsterdam Coffeeshops, Dispensaries &
    Legalization – Smokers Guide TV

  2. toguhx says:

    great guy

  3. Smokers Guide says:

    #SmokersGuide TV meets up with @keithstroup founder of @NORML to talk about
    #Amsterdam #Coffeeshops, #MMJ #Dispensaries & #Legalization 
