Newest garden, day 9 flower, and a bunch of GG#4

Derek Sheen on “The 206” Pot Laws NEW!!!
December 2, 2014
Pulse Glass Recycler with La Fumo Pipe
December 2, 2014

Back in YouTube action! More coming soon… -Myco.


  1. roger payne says:

    Nice garden !! The girls are taller than the last run. Been waiting on you
    to post back on.

  2. MMA MLB says:

    talk about the structure and growth of the gg4 please.. im getting in a few

  3. Nick Dabshatt says:

    Thats a nice canopy

  4. Scott Abbott says:

    man look how big that garden is..

  5. fourtwentyecips says:

    Nice room !! Looking great ! Cheers

  6. Kingish88 says:

    Looking official as any tine u post. What did happen on the last garden
    since that one did veg like u wanted? Any dried harvest shots?
