My New Weed Star Afterburner Bong (Amsterdam Weed Review)

Grow Room Update – 12/12/13 – Graft Update – SCROG Update
December 13, 2013
18 & up. DABS GO BAD OVER TIME. discussion.
December 13, 2013

My New Weed Star Afterburner Bong (Amsterdam Weed Review) Thanks for watching! COMMENT and LIKE if you enjoyed the video and SUBSCRIBE to see my new videos as they are released. This video is…


  1. Andrew Pyrah says:

    3:49 – “cut” or forget and leave it in the video, :)

  2. mike coombes says:

    new glass and how about new intro music.your intro music is old and tired
    good song tho.

  3. a Jedi says:

    i have the checker 🙂 

  4. mcdooby1 says:

    i love it bet it rips

  5. MrtheChief1 says:

    Collected resin pretty quick….

  6. Andrew Pyrah says:

    Taking a look at my new glass bong from Weed Star, the Afterburner.
