Mass Pot Raid in MT, WTF Obama?

Time Lapse – Skunk #1 – Peace And Happy Growing !! Medical Marijuana Garden – Medi One
May 21, 2011
1200W Grow Room Setup
May 21, 2011

Mass Pot Raid in MT, WTF Obama?In Montana, the state’s legislature is working on a bill that will repeal the state’s medical marijuana law, which is currently being stalled. But in the meantime Federal agents have raided over ten medical marijuana operations in the state, destroying anything related to the growing and sales of medical marijuana.


  1. humparepatta says:

    I heard there was a big Party going down at the white house, that’s why they’re raiding it!

  2. usergently says:

    Fuck Barry and the pigs Fed.

  3. itisYOUREnotYOUR says:

    There are so many lies, can we believe ANY thing the magic negro says? For all of those taking barry at his word that he was born in Hawaii: is it now time to demand he prove it? His words mean nothing now.

  4. Randomshiet101 says:

    I want to marry that women!!!!!!

  5. Y0UT00B3R1 says:

    “Although I am highly critical of some of RT’s biased stances on certain issues, and of [Alyona]. Other times I applaud them for giving me news otherwise not reported, whats fair is fair.” – MayonR

    I (grudgingly) agree.

  6. palefacebrotherbeats says:

    obama is stoned as shit in that interview he laughed when he said potential terrorism

  7. circlestream says:

    obama is a liar and a bitch for the oligarchy

  8. massvocals1 says:

    The Montana reps that are repealing the law are zealots for the enfocement agency basically The federal agency have no jurisdiction in the state unless cross of border This states a reason to go too war with the government as they are not honoring the people vote nor are the reps pushing for old laws back its time they vote out those That state house rep you know his name .

  9. TheMedicineMan11 says:

    The war on drugs is having the opposite effect. They take away from US growers, which means patients must by from the mexican drug cartels. The DEA works for the mexican drug cartels

  10. TheMedicineMan11 says:

    The war on drugs is having the opposite effect. They take away from US growers, which means patients must by from the mexican drug cartels. The DEA works for the mexican drug cartels

  11. HEYoREIDO says:

    thanks for posting this! MONTANA NEEDS YOUR HELP NOW!!! OUR GOVERNOR IS CORRUPT!!!!

  12. real934 says:

    Obama laughs about terrorism and violent crimes. This guy amazes me and to think he’s president. When i was growing up in the 80s and 90s i would’ve never thought that it would be the way it is today.Strange days indeed.

  13. wtf0804 says:

    The government could generate billions in taxes and create millions of jobs
    if it was made legal

  14. bugsz1 says:

    Aggravated larceny by a mercenary. I am not suprised by anything the criminals do. This empire will not stand.

  15. Dewdaahman says:

    where is the story tellin’ us that gunfights broke out at medical marijuana establishments in MT when they were confronted by gangsters wearin’ masks and carryin’ machine guns..? after the smoke cleared the burgulars were found out to be DEA, an illegal arm of the global domination cabal.. film at 11..

  16. groovyengineer says:

    Man you guys waste alot of money down there in the states.

  17. 13elsyd13 says:


  18. lexacoil says:

    Remember this when it comes time for voting

  19. slewofdamascus says:

    Just another broken promise – sums up his whole sorry presidency. He’s the “letdown kid”. Honestly, he’s a war criminal just like the Bushs and Clintons, ad infinitum.

  20. gwizzle1 says:

    @paulcoonan I just thought the same thing,he looked a bit giddier than normal

  21. HorrorAngel666 says:

    Lets go fuck these criminals up. I cant wait to see the DEA and CIA and all these political puppets in labor prisons.

  22. johnny05x says:

    one word….Douchebag

  23. imstraight17 says:

    Damn straight lady

  24. nek0s says:

    Why is Obama trampling our civil right’s and state rights ? Easy, He is a Republican pretending to be a progressive.

  25. THEJu5tinBieber says:

    LOL it’s 2011 and you people are still getting busted over a plant. suckers. move to a cooler state lol….

  26. allenco0000 says:

    alyona, i need the phone book, phone book is faster than the internet,

  27. paulcoonan says:

    I have to admit, Obama looked and sounded stoned! He even laughed when he said “terrorism!”

  28. wheelori814 says:

    ok, why are people soooooo surprised when obama does the exact opposite of what he has said??? He does it every time!

  29. signboyy says:

    jfk started legislation to dissolve the federal reserve, so the banks whacked him. from that point forward the banks made sure only their puppets would get elected to the presidency.

  30. mtmeatball says:

    @paulcoonan i was thinking the same thing…lol. and people still wondering if he’s american. either way he’s made himself into an ass on tooo many occasions.

  31. MayonR says:

    Although I am highly critical of some of RT’s biased stances on certain issues, and of Aloyona. Other times I applaud them for giving me news otherwise not reported, whats fair is fair.She makes an excellent point, pointing out former promises. And many problems would be solved if it were left up to the states to sort out there own affairs. I don’t see a bias for these reasons but only pointing out the hypocrisy of the federal government. Obama reveals himself all the time as Bush III.

  32. Gerald90072 says:

    Why repeal it …the DEA will do that for you! we’re going to repeal it because some people are getting the meds when they don’t really need them. Ah if you need them you won’t be able to get them because the DEA won’t go after the wrongly recomended they wan’t to take your meds because a few abuse…take away somthing from the true patient because you can’t do your job DEA ! Way to go punks !

  33. TorontoLibertarian says:

    What an asshole.
    He sucks balls on civil liberties.
    Plus he’s staying in Iraq and Afghanistan etc…..
    Obama fuckin sucks.

  34. Gerald90072 says:

    Why repeal it …the DEA will do that for you! we’re going to repeal it because some people are getting the meds whene they don’t really need them. Ah if you need them you won’t be able to get them because the DEA won’t go after the wrongly recomended they wan’t to take your meds because a few abuse…take away somthing from the true patient because you can’t do your job DEA ! Way to go punks !

  35. paulcoonan says:

    It just hit me as to why the feds stormed in! After watching Obama’s “stoned comment” where he can barely talk or even open his eyes, and laughs when he says “terrorism” the truth is in plain site. Obama needed more weed!

  36. BothKindsofCool says:

    Just in case no one clued you in, ALL politicians,especially at that level, will say ANYTHING to get elected! Obama wanted every potential democrat to get off the couch and go to the voting booth.

  37. rooster4205150 says:

    Glad to see other people from other states see the problem in ours. Thanks for your support. We are on the ropes down here. We need all the help we can get. Keep fighting the fight!

  38. Louloe says:

    o.O sealed search warrent’s??? WTF

  39. JBBlitz says:

    if this is what the police are doing, we don’t really need them and pink slip allot more of them.

  40. gwizzle1 says:

    did obama look stoned in that interview to anyone else?

  41. jupitersmoonz says:

    weed laws on one side of america are getting more lenient while states like this are getting raided. isn’t this supposed to be one nation? selling to people who don’t need it just goes to show how many people want and use marijuana responsibly… but have to obtain it illegally!

  42. TheKushage420 says:

    obama just wants a bunch of dank

  43. heartlandherps says:

    thumbs up if you think obama looks high in this video

  44. hoosierhiver says:

    I need to cover up my Obama bumper sticker.

  45. AmerikanHustla says:

    Obama must get his weed from a special supplier.
    iLs Dialprt Soba Upaah Chis Nanba Zixlay Dodsih.
    iLs Dialprt Soba Upaah Chis Nanba Zixlay Dodsih.
    iLs Dialprt Soba Upaah Chis Nanba Zixlay Dodsih.
    iLs Dialprt Soba Upaah Chis Nanba Zixlay Dodsih.
    iLs Dialprt Soba Upaah Chis Nanba Zixlay Dodsih

  46. atheistveganheathan says:

    Obama is everything he said he wasn’t when he ran for president. He will never get my vote again. Every. Henry Rollins for President. He’ll stick to his word.

  47. wastelandsoldier1 says:

    And people wonder why they want there states to become there own country.They are literally a pack of roaming vampires.Go suck on

  48. 69salford69 says:

    oh terrorism, yeah that shit is hilarious

  49. stabbed22 says:

    Obama is a cunt, so what.

  50. Reckless3057 says:

    Montanans are Fed up!!! /watch?v=heze0JY1HxE
