Marijuana Grow Report Kush n Cheese

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Marijuana Grow Report Kush n CheeseIn this marijuana grow report, we discuss how different cannabis plants require different levels of marijuana nutrients. Dinafem Seeds Kush n Cheese appears …


  1. Tempest threeseventeen says:

    big hands ladies you know what that means – big gloves.

  2. phuck YouTHUBE says:

    lookin good matt

  3. Matt Mernagh says:

    yes big gloves :D

  4. SeedBankReviews says:

    Very nice trich production and those look like they are going to be CRAZY DENSE!

    Sending positive growers karma your way brother,
    the aardvark

  5. sarah sunday says:

    are you using PBP? max ppm in flower 2400ppm….check out the botanicare schedule. I feed like a beast… that cupping issue may be mg needed… any yellowing between the veins?

  6. sarah sunday says:

    get botanicare aquashield….

  7. Matt Mernagh says:

    no yellowing between the veins. i’ll feed it some more cal mag. yes i know you feed like a beast…

  8. Matt Mernagh says:

    thank you. this one started slow and has become a serious champ.
