LIVE! NAY SMOKES FLOWER! with a lil special nice on top!

Chronic and Purple Haze Prank!
July 29, 2014
Maui+blucheese day 5 flowering
July 29, 2014

LIVE! NAY SMOKES FLOWER! with a lil special nice on top!all viewers must 18 and up for this video. adult setting, language and activities. Live BF4 with Nay on Cam! please keep


  1. MiGrowB says:

    any1 i forgot to add

  2. Joseph J says:

    subbed 4 u Mi

  3. MiGrowB says:

    it was hailing so much it looked like it was snowing

  4. MiGrowB says:

    damn you all r kicking ass

  5. MiGrowB says:

    I subed you all please sub me back

  6. rayc1962 says:

    beautiful, in a city or in the country? hows the weather today, me I’m in
    Winnipeg canada, sunny day today

  7. rayc1962 says:

    were in the world you at tyertil?

  8. MiGrowB says:

    nice thanks

  9. tyertil says:

    subbed back

  10. MiGrowB says:


  11. tyertil says:

    and all the others in the chat i subbed aswell

  12. Joseph J says:


  13. tyertil says:

    but i can watch around dinner time (6pm) and now around 2 am

  14. gil gee says:

    Fuck yeah finally everything’s Kool now nay

  15. Antonio Ramirez says:

    Yeah works on iPhone now

  16. rayc1962 says:

    always subbin, cheers all!!

  17. KevinInBeantown says:

    whats nay in gaza blowing shit up?

  18. S Mart says:

    U r fat.

  19. tyertil says:

    sort of a city +50000 peeps nice weather but fucking dark outside

  20. MiGrowB says:

    is there a duck in the room 😉 jk

  21. tyertil says:

    ill check it out

  22. tyertil says:

    and u?

  23. Joseph J says:

    Im upstate NY, but the city i live in has gone to shit :-/

  24. tyertil says:

    im lucky i can watch during diner

  25. Joseph J says:

    i always miss him also this is my first live viewing

  26. MiGrowB says:

    thanks jj and kk rayc

  27. rayc1962 says:

    Nice MiG, Nay is a mighty force in the Cannabis world!!

  28. MiGrowB says:


  29. SourBogBubble says:

    Good thing Strain and phenotype are not the same thing, Only a layman would
    think they are the same…

  30. MiGrowB says:

    dab time?

  31. MiGrowB says:

    im in michigan the weather is perfect we had a big storm yesterday or the
    day b4 cool things down

  32. tyertil says:

    ok gave that a like mig

  33. Joseph J says:


  34. rayc1962 says:

    so cool, were from all over the globe, all gettin high together, thanks to
    the power of Nay

  35. Joseph J says:

    guess you would call it more central than upstate

  36. rayc1962 says:


  37. MiGrowB says:

    i am happy to be here for the live event this is my 1st one

  38. Kush man says:

    works good on the phone

  39. rayc1962 says:

    good to hear Jj

  40. MiGrowB says:

    I took a lil video of it is on my page

  41. MiGrowB says:

    yeah that was kick ass

  42. tyertil says:


  43. tyertil says:

    oh im not having dinner atm

  44. KeithJ919 says:

    I’m upstate Ny too, what part?

  45. trendyasdabbers says:

    please elave a comment and a LIKE!

  46. tyertil says:

    the netherlands

  47. MiGrowB says:

    cool thanks 🙂

  48. MiGrowB says:

    did I forget to sub any1?

  49. MiGrowB says:

    nice what are you having?
