Coconut CannaOil with Medicinal Marijuana
January 27, 2014
First grow ready for Harvest????
January 27, 2014

LIVE IN THE CLONE/MOM ROOM WITH NAY!BRAND NEW! catch me playing BF4 LIVE w/ inset CAM! Please subscribe to this channel and come to


  1. dol ch says:

    guess we will see hehe

  2. ChucklZ666 says:

    who , what , where, why?

  3. ChucklZ666 says:

    HAHAHA thats awesome!!!

  4. Cody Gilmore says:

    that was heavy, i dig it

  5. khaosjoker909 says:

    Nice, that one was fucking awesome.

  6. DougW says:

    hell yes rock n roll lives

  7. norcalibayarea408 says:

    your shredding skills rock bro….cheers

  8. Legalize Everywhere says:

    screen shot it!

  9. PossessedGravy420 says:

    what up trendys

  10. Jemishia Nazario says:

    Wow, you are really good. ^_^

  11. Legalize Everywhere says:


  12. michale prendergast says:

    sounds great !

  13. Legalize Everywhere says:

    but pregnant works too 🙂

  14. The Wire says:

    Lives up on the site like always, and in the chat haha.

  15. ChucklZ666 says:

    Yea i know ya got that 🙂 i just really would like the pics 🙂

  16. Fresh Ample says:

    left handed nayyyy!

  17. DougW says:

    smokin – boston

  18. ChucklZ666 says:

    brb grabbin a drink 🙂

  19. michale prendergast says:

    sounds clean ! wish mine sounded clean !

  20. ChucklZ666 says:

    Yo do you still have your Piano??

  21. ChucklZ666 says:

    hell yea man !!

  22. michale prendergast says:

    Its about stealing everything for the Elite ! all land all water all
    natural resources !

  23. ChucklZ666 says:

    OH and bro do you still have the pics from when we chilled with dana snyder
    master shake????

  24. ChucklZ666 says:

    hahaha yea man!!

  25. ChucklZ666 says:

    yea i know that is awesome 🙂

  26. Legalize Everywhere says:


  27. ChucklZ666 says:

    I have seen grey beard 🙂

  28. Brandon Givens says:

    nice man… Trendy Nay

  29. khaosjoker909 says:

    Hell yeah Nay, fucking awesome.

  30. ChucklZ666 says:

    THE United States is the only country that allows the monsantos corp. to
    exist and perform its death foods

  31. YodoFrodo says:

    Did you say lets get pregnant lol

  32. michale prendergast says:

    Monsanto = Eugenics at its most secret best !

  33. michale prendergast says:

    What gear are you using ?

  34. DougW says:


  35. ChucklZ666 says:

    The GMO food and the Monsanto corp.

  36. ChucklZ666 says:

    there are so many things that the people need to know 🙂

  37. The Wire says:

    Afternoon nay!

  38. MrTbwfGames says:

    wassup nay

  39. ChucklZ666 says:

    if you were by a piano i would make you play rocket man for me like i use
    to hahahaha

  40. DougW says:

    can you do any ronnie james dio?

  41. Fresh Ample says:

    fuck yes!

  42. Fresh Ample says:

    lets jam nayyyy!

  43. khaosjoker909 says:

    Hey Nay and fellow trendys.

  44. ChucklZ666 says:

    but if you happen to find them please send them to me <3

  45. ChucklZ666 says:

    If you do have those pics please send them to me I would really love to
    save them, that was a great fun day

  46. 234cheech says:


  47. michale prendergast says:

    Digi Tech sounds Great what series /

  48. Brandon Givens says:

    Trendy Nay For President…!

  49. ChucklZ666 says:

    so i can save them

  50. michale prendergast says:

    Rock n roll !
