KTN Perspective Marijuana growing in kenya

Room A – Super Diesel Haze Cannabis Grow – Day 64 of Flower
November 15, 2013
Back to Basics – Day 18 of Flower
November 15, 2013

KTN Perspective Marijuana growing in kenyaKTN Perspective Marijuana growing in kenya Watch KTN Streaming LIVE from Kenya 24/7 on Follow us on Like us on


  1. Sirjonduke Dos says:

    BTW, cannabis legalization case study iko – Amsterdam.
    Last point, Kenyans are stressed by joblessness, high cost of living,
    crime, politics chafu…. weed will mellow them out, tuliza boli.

  2. Sirjonduke Dos says:

    Man, I bet those cops stay high coz of the high availability of all that
    herb…. Kenya should mos def turn weed into a cash crop… imagine the
    herbal tourists, the medical benefits (e.g along with cancer treatment/ as
    a appetite inducing drug), the cash poor farmers can make, the taxation to
    fund other programs, the jobs it would create…. lol.
    The marijuana fallacy in Kenya is based on the false principle that it
    makes people bums, only problem being that the smokers we see on the street
    corner woulda been bums with or without weed i.e. Correlation not
    causation. In any case, like alcohol, food, sugar, or any other substance
    done in excess will have negative consequences.

  3. ast0nv8 says:

    Imagine the terms of value in international markets someone could make
    close to a million dollars with those huge bails of MJ.

  4. Sura Mbaya says:

    Funny that we should target MJ while other countries are legalizing it and
    it’s been proven to have medicinal properties. This will be a hoot when in
    few years time it becomes a key cash crop for a good number of states in
    the US. As it is the US Attorney General has already backed away from
    mandatory max sentences for people caught with MJ.
