Полевые работы (аут, высадка десанта)
May 20, 2014
Aeroponic Cloner For Marijuana – Growing Weed
May 20, 2014

JUST A SPLASH OF COFFEE!all viewers must 18 and up for this video. adult setting, language and activities. Live BF4 with Nay on Cam!


  1. Nutrient Shootouts says:

    yea I am struggling to get them onboard for the shootout.. and don’t know
    much about it…

  2. Joel Kimball says:

    Five Finger Death punch did a nice rendition of Bad Co.

  3. trendyasdabbers says:

    this is entertainment at its finest!

  4. waltmann66 says:

    no sound bro!

  5. yuri michigan says:

    lol that why you keep one rolled as wiz says lol

  6. yuri michigan says:

    nice vid NS

  7. yuri michigan says:

    yo jack

  8. Nutrient Shootouts says:

    Nice job Yuri on the vids!

  9. keepitgeeen420 says:

    +1trendyasdabbers can you tell me where you buy your glass pips …..Peace

  10. waltmann66 says:

    What up nay!!

  11. medi CalGrower says:

    whats up guys?

  12. EXP1 says:

    Whats goin’ on Jack jones.

  13. Joel Kimball says:

    Oh man, let me see, TV show Intelligence, so obvouse the Chinese hacking
    his implant, true story yet in fiction? ya i feel ripped of at times,
    longstory short

  14. yuri michigan says:

    jimmy page is a geat guitarist but a horrible dude lol

  15. 1canadarules1 says:

    he knows

  16. Hoss IVXX says:

    nobody in trendy chat?

  17. yuri michigan says:

    i love delivery drivers dont gotta leave the live to get food delievered to
    my door merica!!!!!!

  18. Joe Turner says:

    Yo jack, what you smoking on

  19. yuri michigan says:

    where in the state u at?

  20. yuri michigan says:

    i just read that nay lol

  21. Jack Jones says:

    just some bluedream nugs trendy brother 😉

  22. trendyasdabbers says:

    i know my sound is off

  23. Doomchaser1 says:

    going to set a toilet …that I was lagging but seen your eye’s move Nay
    lol peace

  24. El Toro says:

    splesh splesh, nay

  25. trendyasdabbers says:

    i am in the chat

  26. trendyasdabbers says:

    w w w trendydabberschat c o m/mobile.htm

  27. Joe Turner says:

    Does anybody know if there’s a mobile chat, I guess I need adobe flash

  28. 1canadarules1 says:

    Seen godzilla the other night in ultra avx 3d, was very good movie, bryan
    cranston was amazing nay

  29. Joe Turner says:

    Nice, I got some blue dream shatter, shit has me hella stoned.

  30. Jack Jones says:

    damn i hate getting to the end of a joint!! means i need to roll another 1.

  31. Nutrient Shootouts says:

    i try thank you ,,, its small but does a lot!

  32. yuri michigan says:

    south of a2

  33. budwizeherb says:

    710 uk smokin

  34. budwizeherb says:

    waaaaaaazauuuuuuuup ..nay

  35. 1canadarules1 says:

    it took them along time to notice that

  36. socalhippie hashman says:

    yo..whats up nay

  37. Jack Jones says:

    hey yuri,joe,EXP1,Doom cheers

  38. Joe Turner says:

    I don’t get it , won’t let me register 

  39. Joel Kimball says:

    Hmm, and the Charactor Vince Vaughn even sufferd from amnesia from the
    implant being jacked into by Chinese, way to close to home.

  40. turv says:

    Make sum calls show sum humin bird 4 a bit

  41. Nutrient Shootouts says:


  42. yuri michigan says:

    yo medi

  43. dan b says:

    Waddup trendy nay just thumbs up this stream man :D

  44. Jack Jones says:


  45. EXP1 says:

    What Up, Brother. Cheers everyone 🙂

  46. allekans says:

    Heee Hellooo Trendy s wazzup

  47. Hoss IVXX says:

    wow no thumbs down thats awesome!

  48. Nutrient Shootouts says:

    Lansing east lansing, you?

  49. Joel Kimball says:

    Hewee smart cell phones a few years back was even in the news, a year after
    i began complaining about smart phone apps causing that DARPA implant in my
    neck to go nutso and drive me batty

  50. medi CalGrower says:

    hey yuri
