Jason Wilcox’s Whistler Rant

LED Grow Light Mimics Spectrum/Lumens of the Sun!
September 23, 2014
Family Guy Season 5 Episode 12
September 23, 2014

Jason Wilcox's Whistler RantIn this video, Jason takes some time to address some issues and concerns that he’s been keeping to himself. We call it the “Whistler Rant”. Pure Jason. Watch the Budzilla Raid video Jason…


  1. Cannabis In Canada says:
  2. trevorstrutt1 says:

    Great show very informative Jason.. Listen how bout this we put me in a
    giant warehouse full of meds and give it away if we get five thousand
    patients we give it to them an expenses get split up by the patients but
    meds are free no huge labour costs or anything I’ll do it for free and glad
    fight in court when they charge me for trafficking as it won’t be I’ll give
    it away for free to patients like all of us forty thousand people plus need
    to do somthing like this, a serious uprising the government is outta
    control and I’ve had enough they make there own rules on the fly to suit
    there needs..p.s how is harper even in still when there is proof he rigged
    the election counts in certain areas.. Should be automatic dismissal once
    caught lieing nobody is to trust him so how can he run our country… Look
    what he just stuck in with China and I mean stuck it in freaking horrible
    trade agreement he is a slimeball pushing for his own best interests let’s
    start a warehouse I know I got atleast half the equipment a garage full of
    the stuff not being used period let’s put it to use for the patients man
    hell with it.

  3. towmandave00 says:

    The way it was (having your own grow) the government was making NO
    TAX…now with the new LP’s the government is getting a lot of TAX revenue
    …and sadly that’s the bottom line.
