How to Cure and Dry Medical Marijuana Slowly – Using Ed Rosenthal’s suggestions

Medical Marijuana Granddaddy Purple,Master Kush for sale
April 24, 2013
Fresh Medical Marijuana
April 24, 2013

How to Cure and Dry Medical Marijuana Slowly - Using Ed Rosenthal's suggestionsTo cure and dry my girls, I harvested the whole plant after taking off all the fan leaves, setting the temps to 65 degrees and the RH at 55-59%. This allows …


  1. KushDaddys says:

    just think about all those trichomes getting knocked off from that plastic bag

  2. Yanghai Shaman says:

    I’m not too concerned about the trichomes being knocked off from the plastic bag because I cured the buds w/it, & the bag forces the moisture back into the buds, keeping the trichomes pliable. I do this at least until the plant is fully dry, then I stop using the bag & place the buds in jars. Also, I know that using the bags do not affect the potency because I just smoked some of the buds you see on the plant in the video & got heavily medicated with a strong head high. 🙂

  3. ouselfishnumber says:

    Thanks for the info!

  4. Yanghai Shaman says:

    No problem ouselfishnumber. Just saw your videos….your girls look nice and healthy! Keep it up!
