Help Me – My Cannabis Plant Isn’t Growing.

ReeferCast #3 (simulation theory, FEMA, mean kids and more!)
July 24, 2013
Vote in favor of marijuana grow site in Connecticut
July 24, 2013

Help Me - My Cannabis Plant Isn't Growing.Two month old cannabis plant is stunted – and needs a medic! Please comment below and help out our buddy! Is this plant suffering from the wrong pH soil? Is …


  1. wncgrown says:

    soils to mulched (my assumption) it may hold moisture good but its for planting grown trees and you would only use it near the roots. switch to some cocogro soil, only (-) to coconut husk is u need to apply nutes.

  2. MISTAGRNTHUMB84 says:

    What type of soil are you using.The leaves look yellowish & being that young it possibly will not bounce back so toss those plant them separate & get soil with less bark or none bc the bark sucks the nutrients from the plants. Good luck!

  3. ChiliBuTube says:

    water ph for sure,
    I also thought it may be the ph of the medium the person is using, maybe run some ph balanced water thru and take a ph reading of what comes out the bottom.
    Your suggestions for seeing if it will come back are also very informative, good luck to whomever that little guy/girl belongs too.

  4. Jay C says:

    That is crazy 2 months and so tiny. My opinion toss it stress may guarantee the plant could inner sex idk about that small though nor am I a pro lol I hope u get it all worked out brother. Keep us posted on what happens 🙂
