GrowBlu 500W LED Grow – Girl Scout Cookies & Frog Fart – Day 21 Flower

RADIANT LED L4A Series 10 Grow – Girl Scout Cookies | Sour Power | Dawg Poo – Day 21 Flower
May 28, 2013
Nie poradził sobie rząd z dopalaczami…
May 28, 2013

GrowBlu 500W LED Grow - Girl Scout Cookies & Frog Fart - Day 21 FlowerThis is an 18+ channel dealing with the legal use of medicinal cannabis. Day 21 flower update from the GrowBlu tent Music provided by JAY.P –


  1. oneshotgrow says:

    Thanks man, wish I had a better male/female turnout after seeing how well this one is doing.

  2. 420toddy408 says:

    Purple lights is dope looking

  3. Nicolas Nugs says:

    Looking great homie.

  4. oneshotgrow says:

    Thanks man. That Plushberry of yours looked tasty! Nice work on your harvest

  5. Humboldt710 says:

    Looks proper!

  6. voldotuk says:

    Looking good in there oneshot. Frogfart look great

  7. Jipsē Glass says:

    So luscious

  8. OptimisticGrowZ says:

    I hope they fill out more by day 28! Looks good!

  9. hbm3420 says:

    Looks good!
