Green Ninja’s First Glass Review! Dab Straw – Nectar Collector

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Craig and Blake check out a dab straw from Nectar Collector in Boulder Colorado. Check your local glass shop for their stuff or some thing similar. We had a good time using it and got incredibl…

1 Comment

  1. Green Ninja says:

    We are a medical marijuana patient and his care provider. We do a small
    indoor grow of only seven plants. We only grow organically. We use the
    super-crop and scrog net methods. We use panels of compact fluorescent
    bulbs that we built ourselves for very little money. Our grow room was
    built by us in stages and we have now got it to the point where we can grow
    amazing bud.

    The CFLs started out as an experiment for veging but we soon realized the
    potential and did our homework. What you will see is what we came up with.

    One more thing – – When we post our videos the grow is live. So you will be
    able to follow along as the grow progresses.

    Thanks for checking us out! Please like, subscribe and share!
