Governments Outlawing Cannabis Are “Committing Genocide”

March 28, 2013
wild pot grass reefer bud marijuana growing next to highway in iowa THC plant
March 28, 2013

Governments Outlawing Cannabis Are | Why is cannabis — or, as it’s more commonly called, marijuana — illegal? Prior to 1937 there were no laws against the cultivat…


  1. SlingSalsa says:

    ride or die people, ride or die.

  2. oppresstyranny says:

    They let us smoke tobacco, drink alcohol, give us tainted vaccines, poison our water with fluoride, approve food additives like aspartmae and they wont let us smoke pot that heals many conditions and cures many forms of cancer. Now is anybody awake out there? Can’t you see they are slow killing us?

  3. DoneRightProductions says:

    Great interview!
