Fresh out of the Jacuzzi…. just chillin!

July 20th Coalition Benefit Concert
June 24, 2014
June 24, 2014

Fresh out of the Jacuzzi.... just chillin!all viewers must 18 and up for this video. adult setting, language and activities. Live BF4 with Nay on Cam!


  1. socalhippie hashman says:

    forget miller time its dabbin time

  2. ziggieization says:

    kicking ass as always

  3. shawn days says:

    im trendy orca

  4. ziggieization says:


  5. dustyowl99 says:

    sup nay!!

  6. SEEKS ROOM says:


  7. DownSouth SmokeOut says:

    this neck pains a motha fucker

  8. scooby mcclishes says:


  9. bmx says:

    lets see a fat bong rip nay

  10. bmx says:

    whats up nay!!!

  11. phantom8018 says:

    just finished a spleash

  12. DownSouth SmokeOut says:

    yo yo

  13. Bonqueque says:

    Hey Nay!!

  14. 1canadarules1 says:


  15. socalhippie hashman says:

    jammin out to some joe walsh:)

  16. MrSageezy says:

    mateo i subd

  17. WhaleofDreams says:

    whats up nay just got here, gave ya a like to keep it trendy!

  18. MrMarine347 says:

    thumbs upthis video everyone

  19. DownSouth SmokeOut says:

    yo mrmarine..

  20. WhaleofDreams says:

    smokin some of what i believe is called Hairy John. it just says HJ on the
    bag but, the guy i got it from says he thinks its called Hairy John

  21. uhmraka says:

    hey nay, would you be able to provide some higher quality photos so i could
    do some media work. design some banners, graphics, logo etc

  22. Jimbo Slice says:


  23. BradDabber says:

    almost of top of the hour

  24. SAN MATEO says:

    we got trendyasdabbers

  25. MrMarine347 says:

    subbed u all aswell

  26. socalhippie hashman says:

    life’s been good

  27. shawn days says:

    love u nay

  28. Red Rollins says:

    Cheers trendys

  29. WhaleofDreams says:

    orca? nay told me i should meet you

  30. socalhippie hashman says:

    it’s 11:42 in in evening.its dabbin time!:)

  31. norcalibayarea408 says:

    tenacious d!

  32. trendyasdabbers says:

    in the chat too! 

  33. Trendy Sean says:


  34. SniPrsGeTMoHeD says:

    Sup nay :p hope everyone is having a trendy ass fucking night tonight :3

  35. 1canadarules1 says:

    ok thank you ill try

  36. DownSouth SmokeOut says:

    cheers everyone

  37. BradDabber says:

    awesome it worked nay

  38. MrSageezy says:

    cheers brad

  39. MrSageezy says:

    yo down south im from texas cheers to the south brah

  40. SniPrsGeTMoHeD says:

    A long as fucking time ago in town called Kickapoo there lived a humble
    family religious through and through. But yay there was a black sheep and
    he knew just what to do.

  41. SEEKS ROOM says:


  42. Renee Mendoza says:

    woooo the grey beard

  43. SAN MATEO says:

    fuck tim mcgraw

  44. MrMarine347 says:

    What up Trendys !!!

  45. 1canadarules1 says:

    is there a way i can change my youtube username and keep the same account
    and everything?

  46. phantom8018 says:

    what happened to your story time??

  47. SAN MATEO says:

    thanks 1canadarules1

  48. BradDabber says:

    cheers from ontario canada MrSageezy

  49. rhinoman2000 says:

    gm bro

  50. MrSageezy says:

    bong ripps to sum nay toons
