Flowering Day 12 under 3x Advanced LED XTE 300 led grow lights by Icemud

About to start getting ready for the outdoor season
February 20, 2015
320W LED Dark Devil Automatic Cannabis Grow
February 20, 2015

This is a grow video update of my current flowering tent using 3x Advanced LED XTE 300 led grow lights. The actual draw is 750w between all 3 grow lights and I am running both spectrum channels…


  1. Old Fart Grows says:

    Thanks for sharing your LED experience (and general knowledge) with the YT
    growing community. My last run was 700 @ the wall watts of TopLED 144x3w’s.
    Im going to try a run (or a few runs) with some of those AC/DE hoods and
    bulbs. Even in veg! they have MH version of that bulb configuration at my
    local grow shop so I’m going to give it a spin. My heart is in LED, but I
    needed big yield and have heard & verified some very impressive yields
    ranging from 2-3 pounds per light without CO2.

    I’m also watching Greengenes Garden and what direction he is going with
    LEDs. Both of your gardens are looking awesome under LED. I’ve got my eye
    on you 😉 and this newb is very appreciative of your videos Brah.

    Have a GROOVY Day

  2. Icemud Grow Channel says:

    Check out my new grow update video…day 12 flowering under 3x Advanced LED
    XTE 300’s 🙂 LED overkill I call it 🙂 

  3. Jeff Roberts says:

    Love the triple LED setup!
    I’m planning to get the AdvancedLED XML 650 with a 5×5 tent in the coming

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden with us!
