February 21, 2014
February 21, 2014

F*CKING YOUTUBE SCREWS THE POOCH YET AGAIN. must put “www” or it wont work! ***NEW TRENDYASDABBERS UPLOAD! *** Please visit and make sure to “LIKE” www…


  1. socalhippie hashman says:

    yes i still do

  2. AtomiskZabaleta says:

    i’m gonna walk into my first grass glade and start from one end of the
    store and work my way all the way to the other end, tryin out every
    -fucking- puff i can afford.

  3. socalhippie hashman says:

    how much is that stuff?

  4. ziggieization says:

    try to hold on to some beans for me if you can

  5. Domeless Tefty says:

    cannabis connoisseur

  6. ziggieization says:

    thanks bru

  7. Rust Cohle says:

    Pa state sen. Daylin Leach says Pennsylvania will have medical mj by the
    end of 2014 🙂

  8. sbdank bud says:

    i dont know and dont know how to use it eather

  9. GE Douglass says:

    Yeah, Utube sucks … if we are LIVE why would YOU have to refresh.. Fn
    Dumb on utube part

  10. AtomiskZabaleta says:

    I can’t wait till it gets legal out here. I have seen heaven and it is
    cornerstores full of brand named bud.

  11. socalhippie hashman says:

    crossing it with my superman og kush right now.right now im on the f1

  12. TADabbers says:

    fuck youtoob and stoned cnn reporters

  13. AtomiskZabaleta says:

    stop bragging about how high you are! I’ve not had any weed in months…
    it’s like a fucking drought over here on the east coast. We still gotta
    sneak around and shit to get our green.

  14. Richie Toker says:

    critical is nice, grew it last year

  15. SourBogBubble says:

    Twitch has the world record for longest uninterupeted stream at 109 hrs. So
    if we arn’t counting twitch…

  16. SourBogBubble says:

    Missed the live, Thanks for sharing~!

  17. socalhippie hashman says:

    using colidal silver

  18. jay Hood says:

    never give up

  19. AtomiskZabaleta says:

    lol i wish i knew what you guys were talking about. i barely know the names
    of different weed types, let alone anything about growing

  20. sbdank bud says:

    fuk yeah socal

  21. Lighterboss says:

    hey nay look at your likes man!

  22. socalhippie hashman says:

    i need to get rollin on the ball here on the seed company

  23. socalhippie hashman says:

    no prob man:)

  24. ziggieization says:

    can I get a review on the critical strain what is the smell ans smoke like

  25. Grim Reefer says:

    man i cant find it nay i would love to read it

  26. socalhippie hashman says:

    i need to buy a few bottles for future projects.

  27. AtomiskZabaleta says:

    Our host is zoning out guys

  28. AtomiskZabaleta says:

    and then i am going to get my favorite kind, roll up 2 blunts, and smoke
    them back to back in celebration

  29. Richie Toker says:

    good morning from London…

  30. ziggieization says:

    socal you hav that mr.paka420 kush?

  31. socalhippie hashman says:

    right on man

  32. jay Hood says:


  33. sbdank bud says:

    or spell lol

  34. AtomiskZabaleta says:

    lucky bastard

  35. AtomiskZabaleta says:

    fucking stoned to the nines XD

  36. socalhippie hashman says:


  37. Lighterboss says:


  38. socalhippie hashman says:

    shure man:)

  39. ziggieization says:

    I can bless you with a donation or strain trade if thats cool

  40. sbdank bud says:

    socal my cousin gave me some shit called silver nitrate,acs. said its for
    making fem seeds

  41. Spazomatic says:

    hello nay

  42. ziggieization says:

    east coast shout outs to the west coast for stepping up the game on cannabis

  43. AtomiskZabaleta says:

    does anyone else get constantly logged out of youtube and having to log
    back in?

  44. socalhippie hashman says:

    cant wait to see how that turnes out man:)really excited!:)

  45. jay Hood says:

    mee too

  46. socalhippie hashman says:

    get shit going

  47. socalhippie hashman says:

    hahaha..thats cool nay’

  48. AtomiskZabaleta says:

    double what ziggie said for me lol

  49. socalhippie hashman says:

    yea..no prob

  50. victor peña says:

    still remember the first vid of u that i saw, forgot the name tho but it
    was video of u sitting in a brown or dark couch with some big jars of weed
