Day 30 Flower, Sealed Room Grow Light Shootout

MedicinalMarijuana Maps Show One
December 19, 2011
outdoor az medical marijuana grow 2011 update
December 21, 2011

Day 30 Flower, Sealed Room Grow Light ShootoutBUY HERE! – – For the Newest Options The competition is nearly, neck and neck, which shows just how effective the new Pro 420 PAR is in a sealed room environment. Side by side competition between a 1000 Watt MH for Veg and then 1000Watt HPS for Flowering, against a lone 420 watt full spectrum light by Inda-Gro for both Veg and Flower. The Pro Grower is eager for this to be completed, heis ready for more Inda-Gro lights.

1 Comment

  1. steveeb1269 says:

    i have to say; i perfer the shorter plants myself, i really dont see much differance in the buds, them are some badass lights, love em. peace n happy hollidays.
