Day 18 Flower Update

” 77 Long days flowering”
November 5, 2014
trees – Tue Nov 4 23:08:00 EST 2014
November 5, 2014

sorry the Note4 camera sucks.


  1. jblizz510 says:

    Room filled up quick and looks good man

  2. The 1 LB. CLUB says:

    Very nice, looking good!

  3. stableboy420 says:

    All the same cut of hammer? What are your thoughts on the 9 lb hammer?

  4. Nick Nugs says:
  5. bt4b4 says:

    Wow, very nice!

  6. unk40rm says:

    Daaaaum looks so clean!

  7. Major Greenz says:

    looks nice nick 

  8. Dolla says:

    Those are gonna be heavy girls keep it up Nick

  9. liamsdad33 says:


  10. Ross Boss says:

    killing it

  11. BolagnaSheetsMD . says:

    looks hella good, yea i gotta have the hard plastic i can’t stand that thin
    flimsy crap folds in your hand picking up a heavy plant

  12. SourBogBubble says:

    Never disappointing man! Always love the content.Thanks for the share.

  13. dirtybongwater grows says:

    looks real clean what a nice setup, thanks for sharing and hope you stay
    safe and stay medicated 

  14. fourtwentyecips says:

    Killing it !! As always !! Cheers
