damn things gone wild

Going to the Beach!
July 24, 2013
Connoisseur final grow update Growblu LED
July 24, 2013

damn things gone wildi own the music not the rights. the little kitten was born club footed but he can hold his own….


  1. meghan00851 says:

    too cute. jus a curious pup and a playful kitty. like u said it… getin medicated and watching animals makes for great entertainment! cool vid and great song!

  2. caligrowing420 says:

    Good for the heart

  3. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    there aint nothing better than getting medikated and watching some wild ass critters…

  4. Scas Farmer says:

    Fun Fun Fun :-)

  5. Crispy Critter says:

    that kitty gonna mess that puppy up lol

  6. Kennabyss says:

    ram jam baby! whew!. yeah theres something special about animals at least when they get along. peace. i show ya a vid of my dog but hes just sleeping. . peace
