CHEER UP SON! it’s DAB time!

January 7, 2014
Pro-Grow 750 LED grow light review – Reboot Pt 6
January 7, 2014

CHEER UP SON! it's DAB time!BRAND NEW! catch me playing BF4 LIVE w/ inset CAM! Please subscribe to this channel and come to


  1. smokindute says:

    iv had this idea for a while but maybe in all the states we can change the
    piss test rules or something. cus weed should not be scrutinized in piss
    and not alow us a job

  2. smokindute says:

    lol sall good just not really relaxing

  3. cupwith ahole says:

    Did high times ever come out and check out your long ago

  4. smokindute says:

    i need a job..

  5. dylan baglivo says:


  6. jerry rasta says:

    youll be stuck for awhile if you take a big enough dab

  7. SourBogBubble says:

    I’m not Nay but mines Sour Bubble by BOG

  8. Chad IVXX says:

    in the mean time /watch?v=rykGcFPLyxA lol

  9. Chad IVXX says:


  10. Alex Bryden says:

    Thin spread oil can do wonders lol

  11. dylan baglivo says:

    and can you hit it

  12. smokindute says:

    i feel it would be easy to change that in all states

  13. dylan baglivo says:

    see don’t fuck with nature grow outdoor

  14. dylan baglivo says:

    sounds like exactly what i need

  15. dylan baglivo says:

    i really need to get some, fuck Delaware dude

  16. smokindute says:


  17. Alex Bryden says:

    Oh cool i thought it might be trapped tane from not having a vac

  18. Chad IVXX says:

    like faces of death?

  19. Chad IVXX says:

    lol n!

  20. David Campione says:

    hard to beat the sun LOL

  21. Alex Bryden says:

    it does bubble a lot, is this excess butane?

  22. Chad IVXX says:

    to bad you didnt take a pic of it

  23. dylan baglivo says:

    ive never taken a dab can you tell me whats the difference in the high?

  24. Chad IVXX says:

    lol n

  25. dylan baglivo says:

    fuck yeah dude me too

  26. dylan baglivo says:

    nay, how has medical cannabis help improve your life?

  27. dylan baglivo says:

    as log as there is no spark you should be good

  28. SourBogBubble says:

    GSC hits!!!!!

  29. dylan baglivo says:


  30. dylan baglivo says:

    right though outdoor all day!

  31. michale prendergast says:

    whats the video called/

  32. Chad IVXX says:


  33. jerry rasta says:

    its like your first time getting high but about 5x higher

  34. David Campione says:

    youll never convince me that indoor can beat outdoor lol

  35. dylan baglivo says:

    what are your favorite things do to high? i love playing sports stoned

  36. dylan baglivo says:

    yeah that’s the biggest bullshit ever being drug test for marijuana to get
    a job, its a harmless plant

  37. tyler haynes says:

    i was in a riptide in hawwaii and i was really far out with my mom. i swam
    as hard as i possibly could and i almost got pulled out to sea were there
    were lots of sharks

  38. dylan baglivo says:

    you notice that the Os from the bud smoke hold its shape better then the
    dab smoke

  39. Chad IVXX says:


  40. dylan baglivo says:

    what about for growing?

  41. dylan baglivo says:

    whats your favorite glass piece you own?

  42. Chad IVXX says:


  43. Kidd Chameleon says:

    How often do you give compost tea to your plants?

  44. Alex Bryden says:

    Nay just made my second bho batch yesterday. No vac, so I did a thin spread
    purge with a hotplate for 5 hours. Got 4.4 out of a oz and its some nice
    shatter. Doesn’t spark or hiss when dabbed, but..

  45. smokindute says:

    bubble is good man. i dont know alot but i know bubbleing is good lol

  46. dylan baglivo says:

    how much do roors usually cost ive used one before and loved the way it

  47. Jeremy Gibbs says:

    cheers nay

  48. dylan baglivo says:

    miley cyrus, lady gaga, and Madonna fuck one marry one kill one. GO!

  49. smokindute says:

    yeah chad lets whatch people die woohoo! not

  50. jerry rasta says:

    the high is intense as fuck your first couple times
