CannApolis – Day 40

► Crazy Big Buds in a Closet CFL Grow Room
January 28, 2015 —click it!
January 28, 2015

WELCOME TO THE FORTIETH DAY OF CANNAPOLIS!!! A semi daily exploration of breeding cannabis. Questions now are answered on random days and I try and answer what I can if its new, relevant.


  1. VaderOG says:

    I am feeling a bit better and at least got my voice back =P

    Got our Alien Rift Entry for the Sb High Times cup delivered today so we
    are back to the grind on Cannapolis!!.

    I have tomorrow off so I should get on a AMA no problem.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and managed to stay lifted ~_0 

  2. nevaslippn says:

    Nice work as always! I thought seeds didn’t mature for 9-10 weeks?? You’re
    gonna harvest around day 54?

  3. Killer Sativa says:

    Vader Possible AMA question

    When did you start growing and why? I’m completely fine if Fader answers,
    or not.

    Thanks! Also thank you for reading AMA questions exactly how they were
    typed out, I find it hilarious.
