Cannabis Liberation Day Cannabisbevrijdingsdag Amsterdam 2013

The Trendyness has RETURNED to YOUTUBE!
July 6, 2013
Cannabis in Canadian culture
July 6, 2013

Cannabis Liberation Day Cannabisbevrijdingsdag Amsterdam 2013CLICK FOR MORE INFO ^ PLEASE LIKE AND SHARE THIS VIDEO Visit for many more videos, photos, articles and much more! Thanks for watch…


  1. Andrew Pyrah says:

    sounds like he’s just high and forgetting things

  2. jsphjohnson says:

    Andrew,thanks for taking us there. Blessings.

  3. S Chil says:

    My kind of festival…
    …my kind of country.

  4. tehphjeer says:

    The production value has went through the roof.

  5. KemoSTL says:

    Legalize <3

  6. HerbieWebb420 says:

    Great video man! Can’t wait until next year for my trip to Amsterdam

  7. snucka2112 says:

    Andrew, you should get yourself over to the states sometime! Come visit CO and try our concentrates:) you won’t go home!

  8. hustler6445 says:

    Hey I no a Guy that that smoked weed and now says that he feels like wen he does something it feels like he didn’t do but he really did does anyone no way it is

  9. ExploitzOfficial says:

    There is a small typo in the video title. Its ´´CannabisbevriJdingsdag” ;p. Thanks for the video Andrew. I enjoyed it.

  10. Andrew Pyrah says:

    well spotted thanks, its one of those strangely long Dutch words 😉

  11. Andrew Pyrah says:

    thanks I’m always trying to improve!
