Bubbleman’s World: The House of The Great Gardener 2nd Trip – Part II

Jokes: Easter 420
March 29, 2014
Spannabis 2014 The Kitchen – Cannabis Book
March 29, 2014

Bubbleman's World: The House of The Great Gardener 2nd Trip - Part IIPOT TV – World-class Hash Master Bubbleman presents “Bubbleman’s World” on Pot TV. The second part of Bubbleman’s second trip to visit with The House of the …


  1. sho gunn says:

    Bubblemans hella legit!

  2. Leo Martinez says:

    Lmao i bet none of you all saw that girl in the background at 27:40 

  3. Ener Cash says:

    What about live plant extracts???

  4. Stoners says:


  5. Unknowngrower420 says:

    Thanks for sharing the work of Bubbleman and Matt, this one isn’t on the
    Bubbleman channel. Only 2nd visit part one is on his channel. So happy that
    Canadian patients and growers can keep on doing what they do, Thanks to the
    injunction. Congratulations.
    ” Over, and Peace Out! “

  6. Leo Martinez says:

    Lmao i bet none of you all saw that girl in the background at 27:40 

  7. nadinesnoopy says:

    This guy is a treasure trove of knowledge!! Thank you :)

  8. Barbara Taylor says:

    This is beautiful to me

  9. kevfrom norfolk says:
  10. phr tao says:

    Great garden featured in this video. I bet it is the most productive (per
    watt per square metre) I have seen from Canada – as good as it gets

  11. GreenMountainGrow says:

    WHY are you uploading bubblemans channel content?

  12. ottawadigs says:

    man the hydro bills must be insane

  13. Christopher Hovde says:

    CBD high strains that don’t have a buzz should be cheaper than high THC
    strains. IMO.

  14. waltmann66 says:

    The bottom line is, There are a lot of crooks in your government!! Don’t
    get me wrong the government here in the America is no better,But there not
    fucking us medical marijuana people! Telling you to destroy your good
    meds!!! And buy there’s is just one crook filling his buddy’s pockets!!!
