大麻で難病を治す「医療大麻」最前線 – Medicinal Marijuana in Japan
May 11, 2014
Ten Indoor Medical Marijuana Growing Tip’s
May 11, 2014

BLUEBERRY SHATTER FRESH FROM A 12 HR VAC PURGE!all viewers must 18 and up for this video. adult setting, language and activities. Live BF4 with Nay on Cam!


  1. IronLungs Mcgee says:


  2. Billie Ballantine says:

    see ya, gotta till some durrrt

  3. Fryingsquirrel says:

    do i dont im kidding day in new mexico on my personal road i was
    fixing a pipe on teh ground turned around to this monster brown hairy

  4. Billie Ballantine says:

    later todd

  5. Billie Ballantine says:


  6. Fryingsquirrel says:

    ok sometimes for me ..?…what exactly are we gonna quit again more time ..hard …hooch..everything right.?

  7. Billie Ballantine says:

    it really does nothing but make me fat and stupid.. and sleepy

  8. Billie Ballantine says:

    i may stop drinking, it’s just not pleasurable anymore

  9. yuri michigan says:

    be in a few todd doing some cleaning and stuff

  10. Billie Ballantine says:

    krocadil only eats human flesh.. doah.. i mean.. yes

  11. Fryingsquirrel says:

    fuck the jetski used me for a tampon one

  12. Fryingsquirrel says:

    yes tired and usually sad as soon as it wears off

  13. Billie Ballantine says:

    i’ll just go back to tequila

  14. Doomchaser1 says:

    The first time I got drunk was on night train lol…

  15. yuri michigan says:

    i cant find it todd

  16. Fryingsquirrel says:

    i drink only the finest…malt liquor….;-)

  17. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    you need that 4 loco shit. looked like stukes had energy

  18. Doomchaser1 says:

    drink coffee usually free at some bars..all I ever order at a bar now

  19. Billie Ballantine says:

    move mountains with those two treats

  20. Billie Ballantine says:

    that wouldn’t work for me.. 1 becomes 2 becomes 3

  21. Doomchaser1 says:

    i need go water peace

  22. Fryingsquirrel says:

    ok i got it limited to one drink per day for now ..howsthat sound billie ..?

  23. Fryingsquirrel says:

    water or booze billie..?

  24. Billie Ballantine says:

    thx, just makes me tired

  25. Billie Ballantine says:

    or maybe energy beer

  26. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    when Krocodil eats your flesh can you put your nubs on cam??

  27. Billie Ballantine says:

    think the beer is whats fucked these days, fills you up n makes me tired
    before i’m even buzzed

  28. yuri michigan says:

    i dont usually drink because when i do i get wasted lol

  29. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    your liver will be happy

  30. Fryingsquirrel says:

    thank you for the humming birds nay

  31. Billie Ballantine says:

    too bad there is no vape beer

  32. Billie Ballantine says:


  33. Billie Ballantine says:

    thats a great combo

  34. Fryingsquirrel says:

    maybe we should cut down first as not to go into shock..i mean im just

  35. Billie Ballantine says:

    booze, i never drank water unless i fell off the jetski

  36. Fryingsquirrel says:

    ah..booze..yes maybe should all quit at once ..what say

  37. Fryingsquirrel says:

    i like spiders..bahahahaahaha

  38. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    lmfao Billie

  39. Fryingsquirrel says:

    later doom

  40. Doomchaser1 says:

    No matter how stoned I get at night. Always feel good in morning..

  41. Fryingsquirrel says:

  42. Fryingsquirrel says:

    later billie

  43. yuri michigan says:


  44. yuri michigan says:

    peace billie

  45. Doomchaser1 says:

    All card rooms free coffee

  46. Doomchaser1 says:

    I roll up joints and drink free coffee where ever I go

  47. Domeless Tefty says:

    Cheers to that Billie

  48. Domeless Tefty says:

    No calorie sugar beer

  49. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    yuri, come into trendy chat

  50. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    later billie
