Back to square one

HHT 18k watts Y.G.C RDWC series.13
July 26, 2013
Beautiful Tree – GSN Vlog Ep. 2
July 26, 2013

Back to square oneAnd shes out….see what’s next…


  1. lijunwei1 says:


  2. dirtybongwater4678 says:

    glad to see your sticking to it

  3. nopochki says:

    I had that when I tried to clean roots with hydro perox …I flushed right away .. I think concentration was too strong

  4. TheeBudGuru says:

    Good Attitude!

  5. Kennabyss says:

    Fuck that root slim. but your a resilient man and soon it will be a nice warm ahppy memory once its forgotten. peace.

  6. canaconnoisseur says:

    Bummer man its a learn as you go process I fucked up my Dec in week 8 and burnt every leaf but buds were OK still but it happens

  7. macbookgenius007 says:

    what dirt are you using?

  8. billyuba says:

    more than likely your issue might clear up or be saved by really flushing with your water ph at 6. If that dont do it…well thats all i got.

  9. MarijuanaMan MI says:

    Sorry 4 ya lose,but SM-90 did not kill the plant,I use it all the time as recommended .,the bacteria did or really bad PH…..Im worried about getting it again also,seems to happen only in flower mode,,seems to have to do with warm waters and organics,lot of forums say A/N is the cause some say hygrozyme….this is why Im going to make a small 3 inch hole on top next to the main plant,so I can see the roots.

  10. brianj123458 says:

    Just a suggestion when you go back to dwc freeze bottles of water and keep water cold

  11. igets high says:

    money back for that shit live and learn tho bro next one is going to be good ph meter and ppm meter you will be straight stay blessed my boy and high

  12. stoney crowy says:

    Sad sight to see that homie but what doesnt ki you, makes you stronger. Stay stoney homie

  13. drscandersongt says:

    To the persistent, goes the spoils. Bless up and happy gardening _/|\_

  14. TheeBudGuru says:

    It could be worse, I had the dreaded PW in week 5 of my last grow and it took 9 out of 12.

  15. Jay C says:

    What kind of medium is that?? Hydrostone? Or?? I can’t tell from here

  16. stoney crowy says:


  17. meghan00851 says:

    doesnt it jus break ur heart? i feel ya pain my man… u can jump bk into it… looks like ur already ontop of shit soo goooo get em!

  18. billyuba says:

    sm90… man, who ever said to use that shit, definitely never used it on bud! Sometimes when i try new things, i usually use it on a test plant…such as my wifes azaleas! she fuckin hates it when i experiment on her plants but hey, better them than mine. Glob Life, bra.

  19. CaliCouchPotato says:

    Sad to see she didn’t bounce back man, good to see you have reserves, let’s see a vid of annybell!

  20. xx420Alchemistxx says:

    new beginings can be a great thing. you have skills there is no question there. way to dust yourself off and go back at it. i wish i had some autos to help you out. maybe someone else with chime in and help you. take care friend.

  21. TheeBudGuru says:

    I know a guy that grows killer hydro herb and he suggested that I get a book called “How To Supercharge Your Garden”, it’s on my list, it’s about hydro gardening, I recommend you get a copy as well! $32.95

  22. MiLEHiGHxGROWER420 says:

    Don’t listen to that tool buddy that SM90 is a serial killer never go back G

  23. brianj123458 says:

    Sorry bro but I will be little behind you I got my spu, and the cheese bx1 drop in to germ today so I will be growing with you and also the bean I dropped with you on 4th up out of dirt this morning peace. Redline
