Apple Removes Popular Weed Growing Game From App Store

May 26, 2014
May 26, 2014

Apple Removes Popular Weed Growing Game From App StoreApple removes game about growing marijuana from App Store. Weed Firm was removed from the App Store while apps that actually tell you where to buy marijuana remain:


  1. HaterzLuvForever says:

    Good point… next time I get caught I’ll say “what? It’s oregano” 

  2. futuredeath says:

    Apple are a bunch of fudging control Nazis

  3. LasFlipper says:

    You look like that one guy from LOST the main Character

  4. Michael Taylor says:

    Ai you went kind of ” off camera” for the first 2 mins in I waz lyk ” well
    this I different”

  5. SNESLIVE . says:

    I don’t give a shit what people put into their bodies let alone that there
    is an app out there that lets you sell the shit. The only thing that
    bothers me about any substance that is “taboo” is the amount of people who
    bring up how they do x, y, or z like they are cool for doing it or
    something. Fucking do the shit and shut up about it already.

  6. Silvia Rodriguez says:

    Glad I found this channel. lol 

  7. KING TETSU says:

    Dude your too funny ! I honestly would have never guessed you chonged , and
    now u have my respect .

  8. corsegerspwnd says:

    here in the netherlands … weed is legal and people dont care for it…
    best method 

  9. Groot says:

    Hey! Check this out!
    Cannabis Skyrim
    One of the most well done mods for Skyrim I’ve ever seen! It’s unreal how
    much depth it has. It’s like adding an entire weed farming/smoking/selling
    game to Skyrim! So good!
    There is also one for Fallout: New Vegas that’s just as good!

  10. Travis InCanada says:

    Steve Jobs is rolling over in his grave… Grabbing his bag of weed,
    spinning one up and laughing at the retards running the company he no
    longer has to give a shit about. Apple this is pathetic.

    Mike, all the pharmaceuticals you referred to are the reason why weed is
    still illegal.

  11. green boy says:

    good point

  12. BoxDesire says:

    The thumbnail of this video is pure art

  13. OmnihexGames says:

    Society’s weird like that. Naked people are somehow the world’s greatest
    sin while gore on TV is a-ok. Same with how alcohol is fine and acceptable
    while a little bit of weed can get someone thrown in prison even though it
    is safer and less addictive than alcohol.

    Sometimes this place is strange.

  14. Alexander Wingate says:

    Where the hell is my enchilada?
    yours truly

  15. Santiago ff says:

    You are literally the greatest host than i´ve ever seen on YouTube, i cant
    believe you are not working on a big network

  16. Dillon Yount says:

    Can I get my enchilada now?

  17. klyzn says:

    Why play a weed game when i can just …..smoke it.

  18. WhatsCrackinPlayer says:

    Steve Jobs used to smoke weed back in the day, how ironic.

  19. Daniel Stapleford says:

    Right on bro!

  20. TrapJamz says:

    Do you workout a lot your arms look big (no homo… Well made a lil)

  21. Ez Games says:

    Hilarious as always mike

  22. Commander Aiden Pearce says:

    What is that poster on the far left?

  23. Theon Thomas says:

    I honestly don’t care and I think Apple shouldn’t either. If people want a
    weed game, give it to ’em. For Christ’s sake, they have a flippin’ porn
    app. Let the kids grow their weed in peace so they can get back to killing
    pedestrians in GTA.

  24. TheSkullcrusher73 says:

    Snoop Dog does not approve.

  25. WantedBounty says:

    LOL that is pretty ridiculous that indeed they censor a game to smoke
    pixels on screen in a virtual reality that expands no further than a weed
    growing room and the farthest step into mankind is answering the fucking
    door, yet GTA remakes that kill cops, take hookers and even take drugs in
    them are allowed. Great Logic!

  26. Travis Ferguson says:

    I’m pretty excited about that enchilada.

  27. Erik Hiebert says:

    I don’t understand why people care so much… the whole weed craze is
    stupid. I wish people would just shut up about it.. if you want to do it,
    fine that’s your business just don’t be an idiot and do something dumb like
    getting stoned when taking care of kids, while driving etc… but I can’t
    fathom why people make such a big fuss and act like the world is ending
    because there’s some action taken against marijuana. big deal, it’s just an
    herb. It’s not the keystone of life, it’s not some lifechanging

  28. L J says:

    I want that enchilada so bad

  29. Erik T says:

    Is there anyway else to get the game? Through jailbreak even?

  30. UK Kev says:

    Hopefully this will make Apple look square, and their products will become

  31. thebomb1171 says:

    You make me laugh every video, which is why I continue to watch you!

  32. PyroChimp75 says:

    I’ve used weed before plenty of times but never touched an apple product, I
    avoid it like the plague, not even once!
    If I catch my kid with an apple product I’ll ground them till their 18!

  33. iansojo117 says:

    Sometimes you just gotta shove it in you know? Like when you go shopping
    for bananas or even crack cocaine. Cant let your neighbor call you out on
    it. Just aint right. Not only that butt cheeks…

  34. F3AR El1te says:

    “I’m Canadian, legally I can’t be more clear than that” xD amazing dude.

  35. iceazeama says:

    ohhhhh noooo!!! this needs to get taken down right away for the sake of the

    now im going to play gta and kill innocent pedestrians and what not….
    thank gosh….. for the law!!

  36. CountryFine says:

    Canadian master race

  37. Kashaku3 says:

    WHAT CHAIR IS THAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I MUST KNOW ~.~

  38. Tristen Young says:

    why do people even care?
    if you wanna smoke weed then smoke weed, go hogwild for all i care.
    have fun, good for you, i dont care.

  39. Alex D. says:

    Rockstar has released GTA 3 GTA vice city and GTA San Andreas on the App
    Store. Hmmmmm…

  40. Trash .Boat says:

    Wow, just wow.

  41. KY LE says:


  42. Jaygaming901 says:

    Your just great man. I don’t watch 3killabytes anymore. I used to thought I
    was a big fan, but now I see I only watched cause of you.

  43. HcBj says:

    the only weed i’m interested in growing is the one in your pants, you

  44. John Locke says:

    Smoke Weed Everyday

  45. Satoru Iwata says:

    That 10% are just freaky men pretending to be women.

  46. iTouchin says:

    Apple can do what they want with their own services, easy as that really.
    They supported gay rights so they aren’t dicks for the sake of being dicks.
    Plus the outcry really are a bunch of cunts who take this as an insult to
    their useless hobby, you won’t see smokers who need it for medicinal
    purposes rant about this shit. 

  47. Christopher Torres says:

    When was throwing birds at buildings illegal?

  48. OmegaSconer says:

    If a game about growing hemp was made and in it you grew and created
    products from it such as clothing, solid structures, food, medicine or fuel
    to name a few……itd be taken off the store. ps smoking hemp is the same
    is smoking twigs or green grass in your garden. There are zero drug related
    affects like week. Its just burning smoke youd inhale. Hemp the mirical
    crop that you can live off 100% was made illegal for a reason. Complete
    corporate greed.

  49. Fps Assassin says:

    Are you gonna do a video on how the gov in the US wants you to pay a fee to
    go on popular sites? 

  50. Stardust342 says:

    Is it still on android?
