US Marines find Marijuana growing in Farah Afghanistan 2/7 G Co

Sanoma County Marijuana Bust
September 16, 2010
Will getting a medicinal marijuana card effect my financial aid?
September 16, 2010
i5000s asked:

Marines from 2/7 Golf company find pot fields 🙂 Go Marines!


  1. bandofbrothersfreak says:

    I never knew what pot looked like…thank you for enlightening me.

  2. Malunat13 says:

    wow those are some beautiful nugs that aint no ditch weed

  3. lolomg69aids says:


  4. TheDakandyman says:

    @mrbubetube I see….Americans..always aiding in the destruction of the world..makes me feel bad

  5. Sibra3libra says:

    Lucky, lucky people. If I were one of them… If only

  6. duboisiboy says:

    @mrbubetube Do you realise that if a small percentage of American land was dedicated to growing hemp then the USA could produce all of its own fuel? The oil wouldn’t be needed. It is a real problem that there are people out there with your fear and ignorance who still try to prevent hemp from reaching its potential. Hemp will be the saviour of the world, all its products are 100% biodegradable, it’s cultivation is pesticide free and it leaves the land in better condition for future crops, duh!

  7. mrbubetube says:

    @TheDakandyman No it isn’t. After Karzai took office, he made it illegal and asked the US for assistance in destroying it.

  8. TheDakandyman says:

    @mrbubetube haha, except for they cant destroy it because growing marijuana over there is legal 😀

  9. verynice420 says:


  10. trug724 says:

    the marines smelled heaven for a bit…=P

  11. UbermenschBOB says:

    IM signin up!

  12. deathmast403 says:

    i want to join the army now, send me on that mission

  13. foideplm says:

    why would someone want to make this plant extinct? it’s like wanting to kill all the panda bears in the world, and that would be horrible

  14. here2there11 says:

    @mrbubetube man.. your on some stupid shit. you literally are the biggest douche that has ever commented on this video. you may have just made everyone reading these comments a tad bit dumber. so, shut the fuck up and smoke a blunt

  15. toanieb says:

    @mrbubetube when they destroy it they burn it 🙂

  16. mrbubetube says:

    @lacrosselover420 The American military is not there to send marijuana back to the states. We need the oil and the lithium and other precious minerals. As far as the marijuana goes, their job is to DESTROY all the marijuana in Afghanistan and eradicated it from the country.

  17. mrbubetube says:

    @gr4381582 piss on it

  18. mrbubetube says:

    Makes me feel proud that it’s the AMERICAN military that’s taking up the holy task of going around the world to destroy marijuana whereever it’s being grown. Soon we will have this evil plant eradicated and extinct from our planet. We must not stop until we accomplish this goal.

  19. bubba0slipknot says:

    If they show this video as a commercial more people would Joint the military

  20. 520fracki says:

    @gr4381582 dude did you forget its nature?do you need to water the trees in the forest? no becase its all natural , another good point on why it should be legalized

  21. gr4381582 says:

    how the fuck do you grow weed with no water?

  22. 420knuckles says:

    leave the smoke alone, it is not TALIBAN!

  23. RIckySteel69 says:

    We have clearance, Clarence.
    Roger, Roger. What’s our vector, Victor?

  24. thegame52291 says:

    @limitsrobles …more then that

  25. MrGhettoskate says:

    i wish i was there ill have mad buds lol .
