outdoor marijuana growing

What are your feelings about medicinal marijuana?
September 8, 2010
Will any non-stoners be voting “yes” on Proposition 19 (marijuana legalization) in California?
September 8, 2010
buydutchseeds asked:

buydutchseeds.com learn how you to grow cannabis seeds outdoor. A step by step instruction on growing marijuana on an outside garden


  1. ilovegmanlolz says:

    @B0tnet if you’re in America ordering seeds is the dumbest thing to do.

    best thing to do is have a buddy with a med card buy some for you at the shops.

    Buying seeds online is to much of a risk.

  2. ilovegmanlolz says:

    @dmorrow462 *Cough COP cough*

  3. dmorrow462 says:

    I have some crosbread seeds between purple haze and white widow plans , I am selling 40 for £15 if anyone wants to buy let me know?

  4. groh1234 says:

    looks like the top got a little heavy on that last plant

  5. 241kyle says:

    yo man tell me ur stratagy on putting ur plants directly in the ground

  6. B0tnet says:

    can someone tell me how ordering seeds work? is it legal to buy them and have them shipped to you? even if u dont have a license?

  7. orangekush3 says:

    @PyroIsAwsome well for one, the guy breeds weed, and so does his father, and sells his seeds, prices are lower cus they make only a small profit on their sales, when seeds come directly from the breeders, that way prices can be kept as low as possible…strains are the same and seeds are of good quality…check out this stuff on youtube if u don’t believe me…its not some scam its legit…seeds outht to be inexpensive…its a seed afterall regardless of the plant is will germinate..

  8. PyroIsAwsome says:

    @orangekush3 if prices are lower than the actual breeders site than they ovbiousley put the name of a good strain on some low quality strain.

  9. orangekush3 says:

    @xoXKaGeXox even better is pirates of the cannabean…check it out, i know the guy…prices are very low (don’t ask why) they just are, many strains to choose from…

  10. mud6952 says:

    its like grabbing an endowed woman on the breast men cant help themselves

  11. xoXKaGeXox says:

    i bought from Buy Dutch Seeds

    they senden me the seeds really fast but the prices are a little bit over priced but they send fast 😀

    sry for bad english ^^

  12. wildkev1010 says:

    do you use any nutrients or what? how do you water it? thanks
