Kog’s Banned Video – A Growers Lot – Growing Marijuana for Fun & Profit

Growing Marijuana
September 27, 2010
Waste of Time: 9 Pigs to sniff out 1 Roach
September 27, 2010
growerkog asked:

I can only show you the first few minutes of this 1 hour video because YouTube banned the full version! DVD & Book : www.greengrasspub.com.au (My Official Website) My Twitter www.twitter.com My Facebook : www.facebook.com


  1. p0rkjell0 says:

    “I got thrown into jail….then thrown out of jail” “And thats exactly what I did”

  2. ToyMaster83 says:

    @deathsrighthand01 Hail Kog! Legend

  3. ToyMaster83 says:

    @YuLympingCow I know what you mean, man. I used to be a ‘goodie two shoes’ til I realised that following their rules was fucked. They weren’t doing the right thing by me, they are trying to oppress us. It’s a huge disappointment that youtube can ban this. Mate, if you want to get the vid, or Kogs awesome new book (its in gold now) I think he still sells them. Definitely worth having. I bought the book. Havent got the DVD yet.

  4. ToyMaster83 says:

    @catscratchass Definitely. If you can’t buy from someone you know who grows themselves, grow yourself. I’m an organic gardener – vegies AND my own little pretty ‘mary’..mary-juana that is :). Are you in NSW?

  5. ToyMaster83 says:

    @Hotpocket1357 Yeah come!!! Aussie weed is great! ha. and we have a decent pot culture over here, too. I’m yet to get to Nimbin and check out the true heart of Aussie cannabis. You should go there first!

  6. Hotpocket1357 says:

    I am officially going to Australia one of these days.

  7. s4176026 says:

    KOG!! KOG! KOG! fuck you youtube for censoring his whole video, which was awesome and which i watched and which im proud that i watched and was thouroughly bloody enlightened by, fucking censorship!!!! dirty, shameless youtube

  8. The420Community says:

    @catscratchass yeah, gotta be careful, this is why weed being illegal is such a risk, you don’t know what the grower or dealer laces it with, at least if it was legal, you could grow your own, or get it from inspected business’ god Australia, learn from Americans prop 19, or Amsterdam, PLEASE make it legal

  9. lands3r says:

    HAHAHA that guy is H A R D C O R E i like him but you alreddy got busted dont thy hold an eye on you? couse thy know that you make weed before….

  10. mrbaldplumber says:

    Watched this video before it was banned from Youtube, and learned alot!
    Need more from you Kog!!!
    We’re moving Down Under soon!
    Hope to see you bud!!!
    No pun intended!!!

  11. catscratchass says:

    KOG ,, you’re an Aussie legend mate.,, legalization is coming.
    I have already been growing in my back yard .. last 5 years.
    I really wanted to grow my own clean smoke,, since I got poisoned by a deal I bought in Nimbin laced with Meth Amphetamine ( SPEED ) cunts !.. , that put me in a deep dark hole , recovering for weeks , after only 1 joint.. I flushed the rest , $200 worth down the dunny. ….Adrian you bastard, !! GROW YOUR OWN.

  12. catscratchass says:

    KOG ,, you’re an Aussie legend mate.,, legalization is coming.
    I have already been growing in my back yard .. last 5 years.
    I really wanted to grow my own clean smoke,, since I got poisoned by a deal I bought in Nimbin laced with Meth Amphetamine ( SPEED ) cunts !.. , that put me in a deep dark hole , recovering for weeks , after only 1 joint.. I flushed the rest , $200 worth down the dunny. ….Adrian you bastard, !! GROW YOUR OWN.

  13. WakkozWORLD says:

    KOG Yur a Drug Dealer
    and A Philosopher WOOOOT

  14. Lollocide says:

    I think the whole marijuana legalisation lot would go faster, further if they cut out the idea that mary-j is a ‘sacred’ plant and tried instead to lose the whole idea of ‘those idiotic stoners’ and get some older suits into government who don’t think smoking dope will turn you into a slack jawed hippy.

    I’m all for legalisation, just as long as I don’t have to hear some stoned kid tell me about the Earth mother everytime I’m at a party :p

  15. hellbeatsproduction says:

    2:10 hoooolyy shit holllyyyyy shit:@:@: Holy fucking shit I wana smoke all that shit!

  16. dubzfry says:

    If the leave is still alive as in still green if it still has a stem put rooting powder on it for it to grow roots and then it should turn into a normal marijuana plant 🙂

  17. william7331 says:

    @growerkog yer aus is good but BIIG SATIVAS N thats it fk lil indicats n , we dont get frost as bad as the states thats it

  18. QuantumQuacks says:

    Almost looks like stinging nettle.

  19. Daized2009 says:

    Kog = Legend.

  20. psbzu says:

    Keep up the great work KOG!

  21. 12yep3412 says:

    @growerkog what do you recon about that simpson bloke from canada?? you know that run from the cure bloke.Just asking because my older bro has cancer and i got the medicine,i just want your advice,do you think its worth a go..have you heard anything..

  22. pododle says:

    Awsome vid. Sucks, they banned it

  23. shitskater834 says:

    how do you make the weed from a leaf

  24. jamesuslovesu says:

    kog you’re fucking awesome 😀

  25. PeterL524 says:

    why was this banned????? Nice viceo, made it a fave.
