TOKE-TV:Marijuana Bust in Brooklyn

TokeTV asked:

The Local Networks did their “reporting” on a recent DEA bust in Brooklyn…. While I saw and heard them…. In MY HEAD I kept hearing the Beatles “I Want You”.. News footage used under Fair Use Doctrine


  1. bullybeer says:

    I love how they play the Blues!!! Lol!!!

  2. 8489rudy says:

    dang 15 pounds per plant must be using steroids, this pig is a,fucking idiot

    so high they reach the ceiling hey thats me!

  3. 8489rudy says:

    dang 15 pounds per plant must be using steroids, this pig is a,fucking idiot

  4. mangirl111 says:

    i love people that know about weed.

    LMFAO 15 POUNDS PER PLANT? lucky if u get a pound inside rofl

  5. bosco333333 says:

    the dea arrests about 1,687,000 for pot a year. it cost $47,000 for a inmate to live per year. what the fuck.

  6. bballmark30 says:

    “Kif is a rare form of marijuana? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  7. ACSSinstructor says:

    i currently dont “smoke” but i provide security for a “clinic” in my state, and am learning alot about the benifits of this medicine, it is helping alot of people. no one has ever gone on a killing spree after smoking “dope”. fuck, just legalize this shit already.

  8. eyewannagofast says:

    that cop is stupid as fuk,, 15lbs per plant,, yea right,, 7g’s per pound,, yea right,, retards

  9. hitman1421 says:

    This pisses me off, for one a plant doesnt produce 15 lbs of herb, second they arent selling that for 7 grand a pound. It pisses me off to see how misinformed the media is…In a decade we are going to look back and just realize how stupid we were for banning a plant.

  10. ImMikey420 says:

    Fuck the current laws. straight up.

  11. Tmoney9900 says:

    15 pounds per plant and 7000 per pound?? What an idiot.

  12. ZTM420 says:

    15 lbs of marijuana per plant, where do they get thier information, out of thier ass?

  13. ANALOGHIPPIE says:

    15 pounds per plants = 8 kg LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL watta JOKE

  14. amast3rMind69 says:

    some good music

Is anyone else sick and tired of the Mainstream Media making jokes and puns out of Marijuana legalization?
September 18, 2010
how do you get a job growing medicinal marijuana?
September 18, 2010